After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

Could this be a case of “correlation doesn’t equal causation”? It seems that scholarships are often offered in the February timeframe anyway. And there were other OOS applicants who were offered PES several months ago. So how can you be sure accepting the offer of admission (i.e. registering for NSC) will accelerate the scholarship offer?

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@NDTA96 i am not certain, simply stating our timeline. Perhaps those who have already been offered PES have accepted TAMU offer? Or maybe they’re NMfinalist? I don’t know :woman_shrugging:t2:

I believe PES is automatic for NMSF. If it’s not showing in Howdy/Financial, you might check with the school.

I remember your posting early stating that your son applied in August before NMSF cut off was announced. He marked himself as “not NMSF” and later changed his status as NMSF in September. Maybe school did not get the message?

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For the record we did select TAMU as first choice with NMSC. Since no PES was awarded, that was changed this month. A&M was notified of S22’s status as a NMSF. We just find it odd. Other schools have been more accommodating.

This was very helpful! Thank you! He’s doing more research into the 4 plus 1 for MIS.

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@ceramicmom the Mays website is pretty complex, so many tabs, links & redirects. They offer some great +1 programs!

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My child is feeling the same - not too excited about TAMU at this juncture (in state). He’s really scratching his head about not getting invited to compete for the Brown Foundation Scholarship.

The PES was initially on his portal but was removed & replaced with National Recognition.

Can others please chime in on this… see the attached letter from the portal… It’s not clear if the National Recognition $ will be replaced by NMFinalist $. Students can’t get BOTH?

Forgive me, what is NSC? My son got national merit commended, but we have yet to hear anything about any scholarships. As of this morning, his Tamu awards page shows zero. He is still waiting to hear from a few more universities, so he will not commit to any school until May 1.

They don’t get both. They get the larger. If he is named a NM Finalist, he will get that package and they will remove the national recognition award. The financial aid/scholarship office went over it at the national scholar day.


NMSC = National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

NSC = New Student Conference


I know that, but I’m confused because you mentioned something about registering or accepting NSC? My child is commended. Is he supposed to accept or register for something? I thought commended didn’t qualify for anything from national merit corporation. Sorry for the confusion.

OK. So what is new student conference? Is this something you’re invited to after you accept going to Tamu?

New Student Conference is where your student goes in the summer to sign up for Fall classes, etc. By booking a date of the conference (based on major), your student is essentially accepting the offer of admission.

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If your student is a National Merit Finalist then they have to pick a first-choice university (I believe by May 1st) for scholarship purposes with NMSC. This does not apply for Commended status. The student can change that choice at any point once named a Semi-Finalist until the go hard date.

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It seems like your child received free tuition, actually more than the National Merit Finalist scholarship indicates.

@Desertpalm11 did your student put down Housing deposit at TAMU? If so, be careful about deadline-you’re bound to a year long housing contract if you don’t cancel prior to May 1.
NSC is New Student Conference, and signing up for a NSC date is ‘accepting/committing’ to A&M. It’s mandatory, where student and parent attend-orientation, class registration, meet advisor, etc.
NM Commended isn’t guaranteed anything, but it can help. My junior Aggie is Commended, and did receive PES (President’s Endowed Scholarship).
A&M scholarships and Financial Aid usually doesn’t post until mid February. It will show up on the student Howdy portal, under FinAid tab, so your student will need to check periodically.
A&M isn’t known for giving a lot of scholarships, outside of Need based and for NMSF/F. There are MANY valedictorians, perfect score ACT, NMCommended, etc who never get any $$ from A&M.
Sounds like your student has some good options…that’s a great thing to have!


They just don’t have it all finalized yet. It’s in progress, not finalized. Our tuition, housing, and everything shows $0 at this point. On my daughter’s autogenerated letter in the portal all the direct costs and indirect costs say $0 and it shows the $6,000 award with our cost to attend as -$6,000 a year. But that isn’t what it is going to be when it is finalized. Our cost will be more like $17,000. Scholarship and financial aid office this week emailed my daughter and said “Incoming Freshman scholarship and financial aid offer letters will go out by mail in February. Students can also check their financial aid portal during that time.”


Thank you for the heads up on housing. Yes, we did put down a housing deposit since Tamu is his first choice. However, big scholarship offers from other schools are strongly Luring him away. My son does not see Texas A&M as a dream school, but he does see it as a great option for him.

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