After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

Do you have any idea how the dorm selection works in regard to the housing time stamp? For people that submitted housing in August, do they all get to pick the first day, then September people the second day, October the 3rd day and so on? I saw someone say hullaballoo fills up within the first 3 days so I’m trying to see if I have a shot even though I submitted housing in late October.

I am no expert but I do have noted that if you paid housing deposit and then decline admission, you have to go into housing portal and somehow cancel the contract you signed at time of deposit. Otherwise after May 1 you will owe some money. Sorry, that is all the info I have, others can detail more.

Yes to an extent. As soon as housing deposit is paid and phase 1 complete, then you get a time stamp. Res life with then assign day and time slots accordingly. I have no idea how many are assigned each day.

My son is a current senior. When he did his dorm selection, hullabaloo was gone in 7 minutes. Not an exaggeration. lol

It’s a total scavenger hunt. You select dorm. Then it shows you the rooms available. Then it shows you beds available. So you’re selecting and clicking all over the place and it goes quick. North side modulars and then south side go next (typically).


I’m looking through past threads but can’t find the timing for when housing selection windows start. Is it late Spring?

Yes late April or early May

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Dorm selection is based on time stamp Housing deposit is paid. Last year, Hullabaloo and Northside Modulars were all gone in the 1st two days.
Everyone needs MANY dorm options, as in rank each individual dorm, because you’ll most certainly be going down the list. Dorm selection is like the Hunger Games, trying to get Elton John concert tickets the minute they open up on TicketMaster or selecting a seat on SWA during Black Friday pricing.
Everyone will know their dorm selection time ahead of time, and it could easily be during the school day, or even during your graduation ceremony (ours was during my daughter’s AP exam, another friends dad sat in the car with his laptop and missed part of her graduation). You don’t get to change your selection time.
Be sure to cancel if you won’t be going to A&M, prior to May 1! If you don’t, you’re bound by the contract and you will have to pay. Deposit is non refundable.
What you list during phase 2 is meaningless

Sorry I must have not paid attention. They can run out of dorms for freshman on campus if you don’t pay your housing depo to hold a spot in line possibly by early March? Wondering for other kids/parents on waitlist who haven’t had decisions yet.

@IcyWolf88 unless you match with a roommate that paid Housing deposit in September or early early October, it is highly doubtful there will be an empty room for 2 open in Appelt. You both need to get to campus, take another Housing tour-decide Northside or Southside, then literally rank each dorm from 1 to however many there are.
Once you have selected your room, there is a period that you can check daily and try to switch. Rooms do come open, but you have to be FAST and check often.
Dorm selection requires lots of prep and planning , don’t go in blindly.

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@1stCollegeRodeo a lot will depend on how many current students decide to stay on campus; they’re reapplying currently. I do think the guaranteed Housing date changes slightly ever year, and that would be based off how many upperclassman are returning on campus and how many incoming freshman have paid deposit.
Last year I think the date was March 5, to be guaranteed a bed on campus. Then another date was given for those who were willing to be placed on Temp/Overflow Housing list (they would have a bed somewhere-most were in study lounges, some were in a Corps dorm that had a converted non-Reg hall), once school started they could figure out who didn’t come, which beds were truly available.
There is not enough dorm space for all incoming freshman, and living on campus isn’t required.
There is ample housing off campus.

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Ok that makes sense. So when phase 3 opens, that’s not when we pick dorms? Is phase 3 just roommate selection?

Yes. From my what I’ve been told. That was brand new the year after my son started.

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Are other modulars(Eppright, Wells) also competitive? I’ll definitely go check the different options out soon.

All mods are but north side more than south side. They are just all so big and now renovated


Yes, phase 3 is viewing roomie profiles, matching with a roommate. Actual dorm selection doesn’t start until mid-late April into May.
Everyone will know at least a few weeks in advance when their selection time is, to plan accordingly (like give a parent or roommate your log-in info, so they can select, if you’re not available).
I can’t stress enough how important it is to take another tour, view a campus map, watch all the videos & photos of each dorm on ResLife website, to have a plan in place. It is a CRAZY process, and anyone who paid from November on may not have many of their top options…just being honest.
Good news is, once school starts, you rarely ever hear anyone complain about their dorm.


so if we signed the housing contract at the end of january and got a time stamp for this week, what exactly does that mean? is that when we log on to do phase II?

@e2e the ‘time stamp’ refers to when you pay/submitted $75 Housing application fee. Your dorm selection time is based off that, not when students get acceptance (which is a bummer for those who were accepted early, but waited to pay Housing deposit).
Phase 2 is truly pointless-it will ask you to rank/list which dorms you prefer. It doesn’t mean a thing!!
Phase 3 normally opens up in March, that’s when everyone can view profiles, to try & find a roommate (if they don’t have one already).

do you know when phase 2 opens up then? (even if it is is pointless :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) i love this group; everyone is so helpful and supportive!!

so when we paid the housing deposit, it gave us a time stamp (that much i understand), but on the completion of phase I, it says that phase II of your application will open up on a certain date and time (which is this week). Just trying to figure out if my DS needs to be at his laptop at that exact date and time (he will be in a class) to do that portion of phase 2 (listing the preference of dorms) or can he wait until after school that day to log on.

@e2e no urgency for phase 2, just complete it within a day or so of receiving it.
Definitely join one of the Aggie Parent FB pages, and a major specific FB page (if there is one for his major).

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oh yes, i’ve joined many :joy:

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