After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

For those attending Aggieland Saturday this weekend, here’s something that may be of interest to you.

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The full schedule for Aggieland Saturday is posted online.

If y’all have never been to campus, plan your day wisely. There’s a lot to see and do; refer to the map to maximize your time.


When you said "it is highly doubtful there will be an empty room for 2 open in Appelt. " it got me wondering.

How long does this hunger game last? A couple weeks or days?

Are you saying there are likely no room mate rooms (Northside Modulars), so only 2nd beds (roommate Russia roulette) remain … or all beds are gone?

In general:
When do all single rooms disappear in dorms? Phase I completion date of…
When do all pick a roommate double rooms disappear? Phase I completion date of…
When does White Creek fill up? Phase I completion date of…
When are you left just looking for a bed? Phase I completion date of…

@ItIsJustCollege dorm selection is CrAzY!! I’m not kidding when I say it’s like selecting airline seats during Black Friday, or trying to get concert seats to George Strait or The Eagles. The seats literally (in this case, beds) will disappear before your eyes.
In a perfect world, you want to find a roomie that has the 1st day selection time. That would mean find someone who was admitted on the 1st day of admissions in August and paid within minutes.
The roommate with the highest time stamp/selection time picks first, and can ‘pull’ up their matched roommate. During phase 3 is when you ‘match’ with roomies.
True single rooms (there aren’t many) fill up immediately, as in the 1st day, maybe a few available on the 2nd day. For sure Singles in Hullabaloo will be gone. Davis-Gary is all females, single rooms, and it won’t fill quite as quickly.
To find a complete empty room (2 available beds) is tough, because so many kids don’t match with a roomie, snag a room in Hullabaloo or Northside Modulars, leaving only 1 bed available. If you have a roommate, and neither have great selection times, there just won’t be many rooms open for two.
Dunn usually has rooms…for a reason. Dirty Dunn, it hasn’t been remodeled. Avoid!! It’s old & moldy, the worst.
White Creek is usually the last to fill.
Your dorm selection window is like 10 or 15 minutes. But once you’ve secured a bed, you can go back in try to find open rooms, at a certain point. That does happen! But it takes a lot of work to switch, and you’ve gotta be FAST.


How does the selection window work? Can you only go in during that window, or anytime after your window opens?

@hockeymom987 everyone has a very specific time window. At some point they do open it up to try and swap rooms, that lasts thru mid-late June (I think?!). But when it’s your time, you want to be READY! Have back up laptop and phone ready, in case you get disconnected. Trust me, it’s easily the Most Stressful thing we’ve encountered, in almost 3 years at A&M.
Our selection time was the absolute 1st; in 2019 they did a ‘trial’ and only allowed something like 100 to select the 1st day. Even with that small number, the system crashed (happens often, not kidding). We were face timing with roommates, I was checking Aggie Parents page, seeing what others were saying, roomie & her mom started calling the number. After 85+ calls they got thru. A ResLife person was able to place them on the exact room they wanted. Still makes me shudder, how stressful it was🤪 and we had the first selection time! The later your time is, the harder it is to get the room/dorm you want.
In April, everyone gets their dorm selection at the same time, and the parent chatter will begin. It’ll be pretty easy to figure out which ‘wave’ your kid has, and what their chances are. Parents will post at the end of each day which rooms & dorms still had openings.
There will LOTS of posts about dorms, closer to the time. Be sure to join both FB pages. You’ll miss out on so much if you don’t.
I can’t stress enough to go back on campus and take another dorm tour. It’s a very different perspective, looking at dorms once you know that’s where you’ll be attending. Decide Northside or Southside (people are very funny about one side or the other), and literally rank each & every dorm. Look at the prices, location, sizes and make a list. The ResLife website is actually really good.
Everyone is guaranteed a bed, as long as the pay by the deadline (which was March 5 last year). The problem is everyone wants Hullabaloo & Northside Modulars, or a single…and that won’t happen if you have a later selection time (there’s a slim chance one will open during the open selection time, but again, you gotta be FAST).
Like I said above, once move-in’s happen, you rarely ever hear anyone complain about their dorm.
Securing a great roomie is more important then the room…I think. And I’m a firm believer that living ON campus is a true right of passage…you’re only a college freshman once.


With selecting a single room are there any special instructions? Do we just not do phase 3. Will she just login for phase 4 and view rooms and it will show all room options including singles and she just picks a single and she is done? She is in first wave and we paid immediately. If she doesn’t get a single she will do white creek.

We just got some movement! Blinn TEAM! General Studies. Hallelujah, we have an answer!


Is there a reason that white creek is one of the last to fill?

Because it’s expensive and on west campus. My son lived there and loved it. Parking is “close”, there’s a mini msc, busses are great. I recommend it.


congrats! What was your hopeful Major and 2nd choice?

1st choice Business, 2nd Agribusiness

My daughter lived at White Creek for 2 years, it was great! The parking lot is adjacent to the apartments and only White Creek people park there, so she always was able to find a spot. She had her own room and own bathroom. The rooms are quite large. Washer/dryer is in the apartment. Really the only drawback is the price and the distance from main campus, but there is a bus stop right outside the building.


Did you get on the waitlist/ TEAM consideration? Or did you go from In Review to this?

No considerations offered. Dead silent :skull: until this morning! :+1:t2::smiley: Blinn TEAM just popped up!


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Oh okay, great. White creek is one of my top choices and I was scared there was something wrong with it lol

Is it loud? Like parties and stuff?

When you say, “everyone has a very specific time window,” are you talking about phase IV? And that brings us back to our ‘place in line’ from phase I, right? If I understand, phase III opens up at the same time for everyone, and it’s for finding a roommate for those who don’t have one or linking up for those who do. Does that sound correct?

Also, if my son finds a roommate (which I’m the one who cares about it more than he), can they find suitemates, too?

Thank you for your insights. This is our first rodeo. Both my husband’s and my dorm experiences pre-date all this internet/technology stuff.


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