After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

The other week, I happen to talk with a current student who lives in one of the Southside dorms. He said that residents were offered a small payment to stay in their dorm rooms during the entire Aggieland Saturday and leave their door open for visitors to see his room.

I have no idea if this was offered to residents of select dorms, floors (he’s on the first floor), or whatever. I don’t know if anyone has even taken up the offer. Perhaps ResLife is trying something new this year.

I thought I’d throw that out there. Maybe you’ll get to see how real students live and not just peek at a model room.

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@NDTA96 woah, never heard of that before. Kinda strange, but maybe people want to see actual lived in rooms?

If it happens, I’m sure it’s a very controlled situation. In other words, I doubt it’s a widespread dorm “open house.” I suspect (and this is just a guess), they might be asking very select residents in specific locations to make their room available as a temporary model room.

Now that I think about it, when we did the Southside dorm tour at Aggieland Saturday a few years ago, after the housing presentation in the big meeting room was over, we split up into groups to look at a Commons dorm room. We had a long line go through a model dorm room near the entrance, next pass through the jack-and-jill bathroom, and then go through another dorm room (with a couple of girls studying at their desks and waving), and back out into the hall. Accompanied by ResLife staff the whole time.

Maybe that’s all there is to it. A very controlled pass through a volunteered room, not a roam-around-at-will thing.

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@NDTA96 that absolutely makes sense! Especially for Commons tour, where you couldn’t see the bathroom since the other side was occupied (for us in 2019). It would make the tour flow easier, too.

So happy for you…congratulations!

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Anyone here offered Galveston instead? They are mandating on campus living…or am i reading it all wrong?

Thank you so much! Everyone here on this forum has been so kind, helpful, and supportive! I wish we could all meet each other and put a face with a name! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I do think Galveston requires freshman to live on campus. Dorms are pretty new, right on the water. We’ve had several friends start out on the Island…zero complaints.

Good to know! Thanks!

I was offered Galveston and yes they are mandating on campus living! :slight_smile:

So my daughter and her friend want to room together and she just paid her deposit 1/31. Her friend got accepted last Nov but didn’t know to pay the housing depo at that time to get a spot in line…bummer. Are you saying it will be near impossible for them to get a room together during dorm selection as they paid the housing depo so late compared to others who may have done so earlier with admittance last year?

@1stCollegeRodeo wont be impossible, but it’ll take some searching. They definitely won’t get Hullabaloo or Northside Modulars. As long as they’re open to pretty much any style dorm, they’ll find a room; there will be no wiggle room to be picky. Bummer the roomie didn’t apply in November.

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Hi! Does anyone know if the Out-of-State Student Panel & New Aggie Session hosted by Texas A&M University event is in-person or virtual?

@D_B2 check out these links:

Thank you! I looked through them but unfortunately it doesn’t say since this isn’t a part of Aggieland Saturday and is 2 weeks after. I also tried registering but it doesn’t tell me if it’s online or in-person.

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On , sorry, I was thinking it was part of Aggieland Saturday. Surely there’s a number or email to contact?

My daughter never mentioned any loud parties.

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Phase II housing opened up for my DS yesterday and I know it was mentioned on this thread that this phase was meaningless but I had a question. On phase II, we didn’t see (or could have completely missed it) any other dorm listings to choose from other than the LLCs (which he marked as an interest in phase I). He marked the engineering LLC yesterday and there was also a section for him to give a little blurb about himself after answering some questions on personal preferences (I’m guessing this portion is to help with the room mate matching process later on). This morning I was copied on an email saying that they received his request for membership in the EV@C LLC and have reserved a spot for him in either Mosher or Aston Hall and when phase III opens up in mid Spring, he will be able to room mate match with a fellow EV@C member. Does this mean he has a room reserved already? I thought the personality questionnaire was part of phase III but could it be that because he marked an “interest” in living in the engineering LLC that things went a little differently? We are headed to Aggieland Saturday tomorrow and planned to do a more thorough tour of the southside dorms since he was also interested in the modulars (since our housing time stamp is so much later in the process, we weren’t even going to try for any northside dorms). Do we still have an opportunity to try and select a southside modular if he finds that this dorm is more of what he likes over the engineering LLC or if he really does already have a room reserved within the engineering LLC, we should just run with that given how crazy the housing process is. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

@e2e we didn’t do LLC, but it sounds like you’ve dodged a big bullet! That was fast, to hear back! At least it sounds like he can select a roommate (in University Honors you have no say, over room or roommate). If he’s okay with LLC, life will much easier if he takes that and calls it a day. Even a Southside modular could be hard to get, and you sure don’t want to have Dunn as your only option. Ask on the tour when the other half of Aston will be renovated.
Your student will get plenty of notification & communication from TAMU & Engineering over LLC. One thing I will say for A&M, I think they communicate well. The spring before NSC and then during the summer before Fall, there are checklists, timelines, links, websites, pages to join/follow, emails etc. Make sure your student gets into the habit of checking Howdy and A&M daily, from now on. It’s just a good habit he needs to have in place before he starts in the fall. All communication goes to him, so stress that.
Congrats on LLC, if that’s what he wanted!

Wow, thanks for that feedback! I think this is a great opportunity given how crazy the housing/dorm selection process is described. Hopefully we can get a better idea of everything tomorrow but we’ve toured Aston “online” with one of the youtube videos an Aston student made. And yes, he knows to check his howdy portal daily for all incoming communication. Huge thanks to all on this thread, along with all the private parent FB Aggie groups, that have kept me well informed. :heart:

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