After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

Sports Pass is $325, student adds it to their virtual cart. You pay in August with tuition. It is a separate card/not attached to their i.d., used all 4 years.
In 2019 (pre Covid) students picked up their Sports Pass & student i.d. during day 0 of NSC. That has changed a little (no more day 0), but I assume you still pick up both at NSC, or if not, during Howdy Week.
Sports Pass will sell out, but plenty of time to add between now & end of summer.


Howdy portal financial aid updated. Reflect NMF award to be accepted by student.


I know we saw something about recommended parking lots

DS will be in Mosher in the Fall and we have decided to send his car with him. What are the recommended parking lots?

@kcmodad the link below should be super helpful. Be sure to list WCG as an option, otherwise a spot isn’t guaranteed. Keep in mind there are 10,000+ living on campus, so very few get their top choice. Parking is a true lottery pull, based on seniority.
Download the A&M app, if you haven’t already, it’s awesome! It shows all lots & buildings, gives walking directions and sooo much more.

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  1. Does anyone know why howdy week is only 4 days this year instead of a week?
  2. Is it possible for me to get a 1b 1ba apartment at white creek if I submitted my housing deposit in late October?

I think the wonky mid week start time for A&M is causing a shortened Howdy Week. I know sorority rush is having to be split up, due to that.
White Creek is usually the last to fill, and for sure you’ll have plenty of available options with October deposit. Are you wanting a true single apartment, or just a private bedroom/bathroom within a shared apartment? I’m not sure there are any true single apartments, but all bedroom/bathrooms are for 1.

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yes im looking for a true 1b 1ba at white creek, but I would also be okay with a 2b 2ba

Prior to NSC Are you able to tell which sections of classes are available and not full? I see where it shows all the sections of the class but can you tell ahead of time if they have open seeds in them or not? Thanks

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Yes. On the schedule worksheet it will say how many total seats there are and how many left. You have to search by each class.

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Thanks! One other question do they open up more sections before the summer orientations for classes like public speaking. Thanks

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Yes. Sections open up all summer for nsc. But so not hold your breath for speech as a freshman. It’s. Rough class time get. Most take it end of sophomore year or later. My son ended up taking. It at blinn since he was needing it for a change of major to Mays.

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@Piknight like @ChristiR93 said, chances are slim to none a freshman will get SPCH. My Aggie is a current 2nd semester junior, and just got in this semester (she’s Honors, so registers early even).
Take at community college next summer.

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My student is getting nervous about TAMU being so big that it will be a struggle to get into the classes you need to stay on track. Any thoughts? He will be an engineering major in the fall.

They are growing the Engineering department and thus students will get the classes they need. Many engineering students graduate a semester “late” because they are required to have more credits than other majors. He will be just fine. This is not something to stress over. Any of the common core classes can be taken at Blinn as well if space is limited at tamu.

During open registration, most change up their schedule so classes open up, but you have to be quick. It’s kind of like the hunger games but without the blood shed.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the FHK dorms? Good? Bad?

@Ff1042 we know a couple guys that live in Keathley this year. It isn’t fancy, but cheap(er) and great location! Isn’t as hard to get as Hullabaloo or Modulars, they have a great sense of community.


My wife lived there back in the day. Her experience was based on a double room, so it was a little cramped. The closets were tiny and looked messy without doors. It’s a good value dorm where she only had to share the bathroom with the room next door (she did not want a community bathroom).

The balcony style feels more open with the room door going to the outdoors. This can be a plus or minus, depending on your personality.

You’ll see and hear more. Big window – lots of light if you like that. If your bed is next to the window, it can feel hotter or colder than the other side of the room. You’ll hear rowdy people outside. (Back in the day, crazy guys would serenade random girls at night. Maybe that doesn’t happen anymore since it’s coed now.)

Some people like to hang out on the balcony at night, so that can be a fun thing, or if you’re trying to study in your room nearby, it can be distracting. (My wife remembers hearing a guy play his guitar on the balcony often. And this was back when the dorms were single gender, so she could hear it one dorm building over.)

All this lends to a sense of community or active lifestyle. Different people see it differently, just as different people can be drawn or repelled by the vibe of Northside vs. Southside.

Now, you can also have a single room or an apartment option. I don’t have experience with that, but looking at the floor plans, these seem intriguing. If you want a single room, you’re still paying less than the double rooms in the Modulars or Commons (and a lot less than Hullabaloo). The apartment option looks great too, which only costs a couple hundred more per semester than Modular/Commons, but you have a separate living room and kitchenette. And that closet is reconfigured and enclosed in a pass-through hallway, so you’re not staring a bunch of clothes (like the double-room balcony). The upgraded room options seem nice, as long as you like the balcony format.

Bottom line, it’s a good value, but you have to know your personality to see if this style fits.


No complaints about bugs/air conditioning/mold?

Not that I’ve heard. Except for Hullabaloo and White Creek, which are newest, most students bring their own dehumidifier and/or air purifier. You can check ResLife website to see the renovation dates for each dorm, when/if HVAC was replaced. I can’t remember from the tour if FHK have central air or window units? It’ll mention that on ResLife page.
I’ve never seen any complaints on Parent Pages about bugs in dorms. Dunn (aka ‘Dirty Dunn’) is the dorm with the most complaints-mold, nasty.
Can’t beat the location and price of FHK!
One tip for dorm selection
have MANY options listed. Unless your student has a time slot in the first few days, it’s a crazy process. Should be safe with FHK, IF selecting early on, but nothing is a guarantee. And make a quick trip up to CS, or ask a current student to look, to know EXACTLY which room & dorm you’d like-if one has a better view, in the middle vs by the stairs, which floor, or closer to something, etc. You’ll be selecting the exact room.

Dorm selection times are coming out on Friday, and hopefully I get a pretty early time ! For some reason my dad isn’t getting accepted in the parent pages so I’m kind of going in blind lol. Is it better to get a room in the middle/by the stairs or just personal preference?