After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

Big changes this coming school year with VIZ becoming the cornerstone of the brand new Visual Arts college instead of a major within the college of architecture . I wonder if they added slots.

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Iā€™m not sure. The advisor just said that spots have come available. Also he had been in contact with her several times over the past year. So maybe he was at the top of her mind or maybe they just looked for the next in line. Since it was right after the May 1 deadline Iā€™m wondering if maybe less people accepted offers than they were anticipating.


Yes could be that too.

My son has May 18th at 4:30 :crazy_face: Good luck to us!

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Is there a way to get details about the room locations in particular halls? Like which rooms are near stairway entrances, ice machines, laundry facilities, etc.? Is there a layout of room location within the hall when you begin the selection process or are there just random room numbers to choose from? I know some Modular Dorms are bigger on one side than the other, but Iā€™ve heard thatā€™s not true for every Mod. Is this information available somewhere other than just random social media sites? My childā€™s first picks are Underwood and Rudder, so if anyone has details to share that would be wonderful.

Where is a good place to get some up-to-the-minute dorm info? My son is trying for Hullaballoo tomorrowā€¦ eeek!!! I"m on the Aggie Parents and Class of 2026 Facebook pages. We watched the videos, but are feeling anxious about the process. Thanks!

@Lavalocks19 keep following Aggie Parents, thatā€™ll be your best source.
I just helped a friend (high school senior) who selected at 12:30-I was on the phone while she chose. She logged in right at 12:30, went directly to 2nd floor Neely. It took her 4 rooms before she found one with 2 open beds. Thatā€™s how fast it happens.
She got herself & roomie a room in 4 minutes.
Parents will usually post at night, what rooms they can see available.

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@Kimvogel due to privacy and security, actual floor maps arenā€™t published. Best you can find out is which rooms are longer, tho a regular room in any Modular is huge.
If you go to ResLife, look up the 2 dorms wanted, each dorm lists Specifications-room sizes, which rooms are ADA, etc. Look up Amenities tab to find out where kitchen and laundry facilities are located.

Logged in at 12:30. Grabbed a single room in Davis-Gary Hall (all female, all single rooms) on the first floor! It was the only one on the first floor available. It is just a few doors down from the laundry room and two doors down from the RA. There was one endroom (bigger) but it was on the 4th floor. Checked out and complete by 12:33. :tada:


@martinezcs awesome!!

Thank you @52AG82! I have looked at the building specs numerous times and never noticed that they actually call out different sizes for odd and even room sizes. I learned something today. Appreciate your help!

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Yes! Under *Building Specs, Room Dimensions, if one side is bigger, itā€™ll show it. Hard to find.

Well, Hullaballo hopes might already be dashed! I"m hearing there may be no rooms left for 2 people together. Can yā€™all recommend a good 2nd choice? Neely? My son and his roommate only looked at Hullabalooā€¦ goofy kids!! Thanks!!

@Lavalocks19 what day do they select?
Northside Modulars will be almost as difficult, to find a room open for 2.

Tomorrow at 12:30pm

They need to Be Ready. Follow Aggie Parents tonight, you can even ask someone to log on and see if they can view open rooms (can only view if youā€™ve already had selection time).
They literally need a list of Northside Modulars, Iā€™d start on the 3rd or 4th floor-last to be picked-donā€™t mess with 1st or 2nd floors. They need to rank each Modular, and be ready to go down the list. If they canā€™t find a room for 2, I suggest heading to FHK/Balcony Style, still Northside, great location.
I helped a friend today at 12:30, and it took 4 rooms before she found an open room for 2 in Neelyā€¦thatā€™s within 1-2 minutes.
It is a crazy, stressful process for sure!

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Pass the smelling saltsā€¦this is nuts! This is harder then getting Duran Duran tickets back in high school! :wink:

Thanks for taking the time to explain some options :slight_smile:


You nailed it! I tell ppl itā€™s like trying to buy SWA Black Friday seats, trying to get a seat in the theater for opening day Star Wars or buying George Strait concert tickets. The beds will literally disappear before your eyes.
It isnā€™t for the faint of heart! By far, dorm selection has been The Most stressful thing weā€™ve encountered at A&M.
Having a plan(s) in place is critical. Thereā€™s no time to think, ā€œWhat was the name of that dorm we touredā€¦ā€.

We logged on today at 12:30 and be warned the A&M site is slowā€¦may be because we were first on. We have super fast internet bc my husband works from home and needs it. We were able to get a single double suite in Hullabaloo. But, we got the first one that we saw on second floor bc we were worried about how slow it took to render the page. Good luck!

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@arehfeld the IT system has full on CRASHED, multiple times since my Aggie has been there.
Crashed 1st day of dorm selection (only 100 students had the earliest time, in 2019), we called ResLife something like 75x before getting a live personā€¦who physically placed us in the Hulla room. Crashed again the day Sports Passes opened up, crashed again within minutes of Fish Camp registration and most recently crashed when my Aggie logged on to schedule her Ring pick up.
It happensā€¦OFTEN. Infrastructure just canā€™t keep upā€¦