After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

GC usually recommend taking Calc AB or BC specially if student wants to pursue engineering even if they do not plan to take credit. This helps create strong foundation and gets little easier in their freshman year.


And to add on, how prepared they are going into 151 !! Easy A and better foundation. It’s a win win in my eyes.


I understand the answers to phase 2 of the housing process mean nothing. My daughter doesn’t want to do anything further regarding housing until she decides for sure if she will attend A&M. We completed phase 1 when it first opened so deposit is paid. Will not completing phase 2 at this point affect her negatively in any way?

@kaustin that’s a good question. I think you do need to go ahead and submit phase 2, in order to stay in place to select a room in the spring. Phase 2 literally won’t do anything, isn’t binding her to a room, so there’s no harm-definitely more harm in not filling it out (should she decide later on she does want to attend A&M after all).

Definitely no reason not to complete phase 2. Better safe than sorry.

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Phase 2 also contains personality questions for the Roommate Search component (e.g. sleep habits, cleanliness, interests, brief bio, etc.). If your student wants a good match in Phase 3, I think this is quite necessary.

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We attended the first NSC last year. No glitches, no computer crashes. It worked best for our schedule and it all turned out fine.

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Would the August NSC be cutting it too close? Classes full, etc. With graduation and travel June and July are very busy for us.

Thank you all! @hraj @ChristiR93 @Eggscapgoats I appreciate it. It gets a little discouraging when all my friends kids are getting out of school at like 2 everyday and only taking 5 or 6 classes- it’s senior year! While my daughter is taking the full 8 classes, gets out at 4pm, with homework every night. She works on the weekends and squeezes in her required individual volunteer hours wherever she can. Sometimes she has to request off work to do a mandatory NHS group volunteer project. It’s a full schedule. I’m sure plenty of others on here have a similar or even more intense schedule especially band and athletes. It’s just our local peer group doesn’t seem to have a rigorous load this year so it gets a little discouraging. They have a lot more time for hanging out and socializing their senior year. It made sense to take calculus now so she doesn’t have to take it later but taking it twice seems a bit less advantageous. Yes, her GC had her take physics and anatomy & physiology last year and forensic science this year. I guess I have mixed feelings about rigor vs life/work balance. At least she won’t have to take physics and some other core classes so she will have a little lighter load in college than she would have had otherwise.

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I wouldn’t say it’s the most ideal, but it is what it is and she will get the classes she needs. So don’t let it stress you out. This truly determines 1 semester out of 8 for schedule. IT’ll be fine.

Thanks. We are still going to try to see if we can make one of the earlier ones work if at all possible.

@martinezcs would not suggest August NSC. It interferes with Howdy Week, can interfere with Fish Camp or Impact Camp, just too much to do.
Plus you immediately go from NSC to move in, hard to get hotel rooms, too.
July NSC is fine.
Wouldn’t suggest August NSC.

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None of the July dates work. But we can probably make an earlier one work. She probably won’t have to take any finals so I might be able to pull her from school to attend one of the early ones that occur before her school term ends. Will know that closer till. I’m sure we will figure it out. :crossed_fingers:

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I totally understand. Mine is in band with full schedule( all AP classes). It is extremely hectic with 2to 3 hours band practice everyday, football games, marching competitions in the weekends. I really feel for these kids but she choose her schedule no pressure from me or outside. Today kids are more resilient and will get through this and be most prepared for colleges. Hoping it gets better after the 1st semester and they get to relax during winter break.


Same here. My daughter has 5 AP classes, IB English and Honors Anatomy, plus president of school honor society, and as a competitive dancer, she’s at the dance studio 17-20 hours/week. I am exhausted for her, but she manages it beautifully. And, she thrives off of learning and challenging herself. This class schedule was all her own decision. I do pray things lighten up a bit for her after this semester. At least she’ll be finished with college applications and essays.

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My nephew did August this past summer, and it was fine for him, no problem getting classes.

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Anyone else conflicted over Fixed or Variable tuition rates? It is asking me to choose one and I cant decide which is best. Any advice from current aggie parents?

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With today’s economy I would do fixed. At least you’ll know what you’re laying paying. We did variable for my son and it has gotten so expensive. Tuition and fees were $6400 ish this semester.

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We have done variable for both of my sons. Fixed starts out higher. Someone did an analysis a year or so ago and tuition never increased enough to justify the increased costs for fixed.

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@O_Munroe you have plenty of time to do that. There is always lots of discussion on the Aggie Parent Facebook pages about pros/cons of fixed vs variable. Just wait and read up on it.
And if you have one of the Texas Tomorrow Funds, you automatically put fixed.