<p>Yeah, he’s talking about the pretty yellow one where the nice people take you after they dress you in a nice, comfy coat that lets you hug yourself! (Seriously, a jacket that lets you hug yourself??? Can you say CHRISTMAS LIST???)</p>
<p>Anyway try not to worry yourself too much. We can’t change anything now, so all we can do is hope :/</p>
<p>or just appeal to the man with the real power</p>
<p>dear santa, </p>
<p>i’ve been a good girl, i swear (aka haven’t resorted to putting up a chance thread). please send acceptance, in a bottle or any other container, electronically, physically whatever…</p>
<p>Yes rachelche16, I think you’re right. Santa is obviously the man of the month, so why shouldn’t we bombard him with letters? Though I would hope he’d give the acceptance a few (10) days before Christmas. Maybe sooner?</p>
<p>I’ve been a very good boy this year. Only 10 dead bodies to my name (and I swear, I didn’t kill half of them, I swear.) I almost didn’t start any religious wars, or crash the economy (The other guy in the white house did it. :/) I’ve tried not to kiss any girls this past year (I tried, I really did, She Kissed Me, I swear!) and I’ve kept away from those internet forums that suck up so much time!</p>
<p>Anyways, i know you’re probably busy solving world hunger (yeah, when are you getting around to that?) or curing HIV, but could you pretty please take some time out for poor, poor me? I could use a happy Bulldog on the 15th of December.</p>
<p>Anyways, holiday cheers, and get some more sleep, I know how sleep-deprived all of us are!</p>
<p>Hey Nick,
Remember about ten years ago, I said that you weren’t real?
I didn’t mean it, man. You are very much real. So please come back this year.</p>
<p>Just for you I renovated my house so our chimney is twice the size of the one next door.
So come to my house and my house only. I’ll leave a plate of cookies and a glass of milk every night from now.</p>
<p>I miss you, you jolly old man. Although navy blue is very unchristmassy, and California doesn’t snow for your reindeer to do your pulling thing,</p>
<p>I would like a letter of accenptance from Yale. Don’t forget to drop in ten days earlier. That’s 15th for you. I’ll be waiting. I might even ditch school for you.</p>
<p>Kindly and conveniently forget that I’m a Buddhist, will you, Nick?</p>