
<p>i got a 4 on the aime and im a junior in calc bc</p>

<p>is that good? i mean i know its not amazing or anything cuz i didnt qualify for usamo but i just have absolutely no idea where i would stand comparatively with a score like that for all other people across america</p>

<p>also, given, most people on CC are ubersmart but seriously how good is it really, like what percentile or say comparatively saying that the aime was on the 2400 SAT scale, how good would a 4 actually be in an "sat score"?</p>

<p>I got a 3, and I'm pretty happy with it, haha.</p>

<p>I got a 4 also. Same as you, junior in BC Calc. According to the website, the national average is a 2.something. Therefore, I was pretty happy with my score, especially since I didn't do any prep.</p>

<p>I got a 5... kinda crappy... i thought i got a 6 (off by one, stupid inclusiveness [i must have put 900 not 901]... :(. (freshman) [wanted an 8 for USAMO]</p>