ALL decisions will be mailed by April 1st...

<p>I just got off the phone and that is what an admissions lady told me. Many people were saying that they were told acceptances and rejections will be mailed into April. I called to confirm that, but she said ALL decisions will be out before the 1st. She emphasized ALL, so I'm sure it includes acceptances and rejections.</p>

<p>ah thats so scary and exciting at the same time</p>

<p>Wow, wish I was an incoming freshman so this applied for me.</p>

<p>Well now we just have different people from admissions saying different things. Honestly, I don’t really trust any of them. All we can do is wait and find out.</p>

<p>I called today too and they said they still had “the bulk” of the acceptances to send out. She didn’t mention WHEN, but still, more than half… right?</p>

<p>Hopefully. :)</p>

<p>my daughter had the supposedly exciting “status update” last Friday 3/20… still no mail. <em>sigh</em> I feel for ALL of you! I am a mom, and <em>I</em> am tired of waiting - LOL!</p>