All New International Applicants - The Process and Timeline

<p>Sure. Tell me. I will see if I can help.</p>

<p>Hi guys I wanted to know that how do we prepare register and give the ap exam</p>

<p>For registration and date, here is the link,</p>

<p>[AP</a> in India - 2012 AP India Exam Schedule](<a href=“]AP”></p>

<p>I think the registration deadline for May tests is over.</p>

<p>Update on number of enrolled and new International students in US Colleges - 2012</p>

<p>"The number of international students enrolled at U.S. universities has increased by 5.7 per cent, according to the Institute of International Education’s (IIE) Open Doors 2012 report. Open Doors 2012 also reveals that international students contributed more than $22.7 billion to the U.S. economy in 2011-12, according to U.S. Department of Commerce data.</p>

<p>The Open Doors 2012 report shows a similarly strong increase in the number of “new” international students: first-time enrollments were up more than seven per cent from the previous year. </p>

<p>Comprising 25.4 per cent of the total international student body in the U.S., China is the leading sending country for the third year in a row, followed by India, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Canada. Saudi Arabia is a new entry to the top five (bumping Taiwan to number 6). This surge in undergraduate students from Saudi Arabia in the U.S. comes as a result of scholarships funded by the Saudi government, and helps explain why international undergraduates studying in the United States now outnumber international graduate students, for the first time in 12 years."</p>

<p>[Open</a> Doors 2012: International student enrollment in U.S., number of Americans studying abroad, both at record highs | Alliance Exchange](<a href=“]Open”></p>

<p>List of Colleges with most International Students,</p>

<p>[Most</a> International Students | Rankings | Top National Universities | US News](<a href=“]Most”></p>

<p>"International students can add diversity to a college or university, enriching the experience of other students on campus. Schools with a strong global presence often have a wealth of cultural groups and events, allowing international students an opportunity to share their food, music, and traditions with their U.S. peers. International students attending one of the schools listed below may also benefit from a large foreign community when trying to acclimate to American life. These colleges reported the highest percentage of their students who were international in the 2011-2012 academic year.'</p>

<p>should the letter of recommendation be handwritten?</p>

<p>If it is legible, neat and without spelling mistakes, it should be good. </p>

<p>But I also wonder that in today’s day of technology, why would one want to send a handwritten document?</p>

<p>so a a computer typed letter of recommendation is good to go??</p>

<p>Yes please.</p>

<p>"What Not to Do When Applying to College</p>

<p>[What</a> Not to Do When Applying to College - US News and World Report](<a href=“]What”></p>

<p>Being someone you’re not.</p>

<p>Neglecting the personal statement.</p>

<p>Writing about the wrong school.</p>

<p>Asking questions that make us go, hmmm…</p>

<p>Forwarding vague recommendations.</p>

<p>Being careless in social media.</p>

<p>Disrespecting staff members.</p>

<p>Trying too hard to curry favor.</p>

<p>Missing deadlines:.</p>

<p>Disregarding directions."</p>

<p>Do US universities require our class 12 boards marks?? some colleges require Secondary School Record, are they marks of class 11 and 12 both??
One question about the essays, do we have to come up with our own topics or topics are provided by the colleges??
and where do you state or show or display your extra curricular activities?? do we have to show our certificates(just asked because I lost few of my certificates)??</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!!!</p>

<p>Yes Class 12 marks will be required to be submitted as and when they become available. Your application will show ‘incomplete’ till you do that.</p>

<p>Essays - when the Commonapp opens on the 1st of August, there will be one common essay. And depending on the college list that you are going to apply to, each of those colleges may have none to one to multiple essay requirements.</p>

<p>The Commonapp has dedicated space for ECs.</p>

<p>You do not need to submit the certificates for ECs, but you could be asked to… So your school or someone should be ready to vouch for your ECs if the need arises. You do not need to have a basket of ECs to mention, go with few you have enjoyed, can talk about if the need be, and back up with proof if required.</p>

<p>Remember be honest in your application. That way you save yourself a lot of trouble of getting caught, having sleepless nights, thinking of excuses, cooking up a story. Like Gandhiji said ‘Truth shall set you free’.</p>

<p>hahaahaa don’t worry my application will be totally honest and genuine. Thanks again for the suggestions, you have really helped me in clearing my doubts and queries :)</p>

<p>I am sure you are honest. But I thought better to spell it out. Have heard stories of fudging followed by embarassment for the individual, parents and the school as well.</p>

<p>Also more than anything, honesty boils down to being true to oneself and taking pride in one’s accomplishments.</p>

<p>one more doubt when you said “the commonapp opens in 1st August” did you mean 1st August 2013 or 1st August 2014???</p>

<p>Every year the college applications open on 1st August so that means August 2013 for the Class of 2018. Class of 2018 implies the folks applying in 2014 and passing out with Undergrad degree in 2018.</p>

<p>thanks again!!!</p>

<p>Do we have to pay for every colleges we apply for? I mean is there any paying fees in the application forms or processes to apply for the colleges?? Suppose i apply for 10 colleges, do i have to pay for all the colleges’ application process??</p>

<p>Sorry to annoy you with my stupid questions.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!!!</p>

<p>Yes there is an application fee for each college that you apply to @60-70 dollars.</p>

<p>I am not annoyed at all. Happy to help. But you should do a bit of reading and research on your own. And do come back if you still have doubts.</p>

<p>More concerned about your college preparedness because most of your queries can be simply googled. Or is it just plain laziness. Either way college will be a huge challenge if you do not fix it. College work would require huge amounts of self reading, research and writing. There is no hand holding in college, whatsoever.</p>

<p>What are the general documents that we need to send via snail mail while applying? Also, how to mention the coursework along with the school transcript?</p>