All New International Applicants - The Process and Timeline

<p>The coursework is self explanatory with regards to the curriculum you are followng. So I do not think you need to do that. So the transcript would include the subjects, number of years with each subject through 9-12 and your grade/marks. Apart from this something that helps you put your grade in perspective, ie. class rank if available, number of students and/or average grade of the class because that is what puts you in context of the rest of your class.</p>

<p>The documents that go from school in snail mail may include LORs, Transcript/Attested Grade 9/10/11/12 Report Cards, school Counselor/Principal’s recommendation/write up on you as well as the school, International student supplement and /or anything that you are unable to upload electronically.</p>

<p>Do we also need to send school profile? What should that incude?</p>

<p>The college board has a link to help you with school profile,</p>

<p>[Creating</a> Your School Profile](<a href=“]Creating”>School Profiles – Counselors | College Board)</p>

<p>And here is the sample school profile</p>

<p>[Sample</a> High School Profile](<a href=“]Sample”>Sample High School Profile – Counselors | College Board)</p>

<p>Remember this is just a sample and your school can use it as a guide. So if your school has not sent students to foreign universities yet, you can use that to highlight that you are the first applicant from your school. That can be shown as a “first” and is a positive, as an initiative, doing different, aiming high…along those lines. Being subtle and boastful at the same time.</p>

<p>We need to send both the transcript and report card?
And I am not the first from my school to apply to foreign universities. Couple of students have done it earlier. But I am the only one from my batch. Could this help?</p>

<p>Transcript is a single page document covering all 4 years of High School. The Certificates verify the grades mentioned on the transcript.</p>

<p>Since your school has had applicants in the past, I absolutely agree that it helps. But School Profile is always good.</p>

<p>Thank you very much anialways
This helps a lot</p>

<p>Anialways, insane stuff! +1, thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Just read a very interesting thread. Thought I will share with all of you.</p>

<p>“Why Do Colleges Care So Much About Extracurriculars?”</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>what are the required documents for CSS profile other than the form 16AS? Thanks.</p>

<p>Check out the following links.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>[The</a> FAFSA, CSS Profile, and Other Financial Aid Documents | College Countdown](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>[PROFILE</a> Goes Global](<a href=“]PROFILE”>CSS Profile: A Global Application – CSS Profile | Education Professionals – The College Board)</p>

<p>@anialways Thanks but I need to know specifically like, form 16AS, etc. Is there any other such tax forms I should know of?</p>

<p>Form 16 is the tax return form. I am sure that would be a required document.</p>

<p>Is it too late to start applying for universities now??</p>

<p>The college applications opened on August 1,2013. For most colleges submission deadline is January 1, 2013. So you are good to go.</p>

<p>Thankyouu!!..and do u have any idea which colleges r good for physiotherapy and give financial aid???</p>

<p>Dear all this is my first post.In one of the posts i read …</p>

<p>""The Qualities Colleges Want</p>

<p>“What is it that makes you unique, and how will you contribute to the life of our campus?” That’s what admission officers want to know. To gauge what students can bring to their campus, they look for these types of qualities:</p>


<p>A willingness to take risks</p>


<p>A sense of social responsibility</p>

<p>A commitment to service</p>

<p>Special talents or abilities</p>

<p>Overall, colleges want a mix of students to create a rich campus community.</p>

<p>My question is does it help if a child joins NCC National Cadet corps.All these above mentioned skills and much more are taught to a cadet which starts at the age of 13.
thanks in adavnce.</p>

<p>I require some help from you (anialways)
I am Indian student looking forward for undergraduate studies in USA and Singapore. I want to major in Computer-Sciences. I am confused as I am unable to decide which university to apply for ?</p>

<p>MY SAT-I was not as good as SAT-II.
SAT-I in January CR:450 W:470 M:800 TOTAL=1720
SAT-I in May CR:480 W:560 M:740 TOTAL=1780
SAT-I IN June CR:490 W:610 M:750 TOTAL=1850
SAT-Highest with all 3 sittings CR:490 W:610 M:800 TOTAL=1900</p>

<p>SAT-II in first sitting in November
Maths Level 2 : 800 Physics : 800 Chemistry : 800</p>

<p>I obtained 9.6 cgpa off 10.0 in 10th grade. I am sure to secure above 90% in Indian 12 standard CBSE exams.</p>

<p>I am also good chess player who has won gold-medals at district level competitions and participation at state and national level competitions
I was selected Best-Chess player and captain of school’s under-19 chess team.
I have won MS-PowerPoint presentation competitions at inter-house, inter-school and tri-city level competitions
I was selected Best-computer wizard of the school and the house.
I have been student body head of school newsletter publishing department and reported directly to vice-principal and house mistress.</p>

<p>Now, the problem I am facing is that I dont know which colleges/universities I should apply to. With perfect scores in SAT-II some of my friends told me to apply to elite colleges like Ivy league, but I think they are crazy. Some people say with 1850/1900 in SAT-I you are not going to get into even good universities like UCSD and Ohio State university what to talk about Ivy league.</p>

<p>Few things,</p>

<p>You have not mentioned anything about your Class 9 and 11 scores.</p>

<p>Yes your SAT -I is on the lower side. But sometimes the universities will look at your Subject SAT because it is related to your Major. But I would worry a little about the low CR score. </p>

<p>Your ECs are fine.</p>

<p>Aiming for Ivy, my personal opinion, is great. But it is not the end all, be all. Remember of the 3000 odd colleges in US if you just aimed for the Top 50, you are in a good place. All of them offer great education, environment, opportunities. And with your scores and ECs you should be able to get into one of those. Although SATs are one of the first filters of your application. But great academic GPA and SAT Subject scores should make up for that.</p>

<p>Why I say Top 50, is because as a parent, if I am spending insane amount of money on my child’s education it better be one of those. Otherwise I would advise to get an undergrad degree from India and go for Master’s to US.</p>

<p>So expand your options. There are many wonderful colleges. So make a list of about 20 Colleges, 5 Dream ones, 15 Match and 5 Safeties. And then rank them through your filters of Location, size, major, Recruiter Ranking, Placement Stats, Tuition…and others that you can think of. Then on the basis of this exercise trim that list down to 10-15 colleges. You are sure to find your fit.</p>