<p>I just don't know what would be a good fit right now. So here I am at this hyped up public institution in the Midwest (shouldn't be hard to figure out)...it's been pretty cold. Anyway, I'm a sophomore and just like last year....I hate the place. I thought I'd give it another try and meet new people, but no....I've decided this place sucks. I'm from the East Coast and I never found my niche here and you're either in a frat, a socially awkward nerd, study hard to the point where you are no fun to talk to or you fall through the cracks. With all to do here...you would think that one would find someone to become interested. However, I know so many people from the East Coast that left and have no intention of coming back. I'm a smart and down to earth guy, but this University has a fake diversity. Self-segregated and all the kids are from this state. Most of them have lots of money and most of them have similar interests. As a minority I never grew up in a place or school where the Indians all stuck together, the richer kids all stuck together, the asian kids all stuck together, the black kids hang out with mostly black kids, etc. Plus a large amount of these kids hang out with college friends and overall most of these people just aren't that interesting personality wise or very attractive.</p>
<p>So for someone who is looking for a place with well-balanced people, but a school that is still well known and respected....where should I go? I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents this, but I have to leave so many other people I know from the East Coast did. I don't even know when most deadlines are, but I just got fed up. It's like I'm walking around holding in my personality half the time because most people...I just don't click with and I'm not used to it. I'm pretty sure I'd be a solid candidate at most places...so does anyone have any input?</p>
<p>Oh and if you're out there....thanks for reading this rant.</p>
<p>its like you avoided giving us any pertinent information…we can’t help you much unless we know the range of schools you can get into…what school are you at now? what are your stats? jeeeez</p>
<p>I forgot about how stat-oriented this place is. I don’t even remember my SAT score. 1300/2000? It’s something like that. </p>
<p>GPA after this semester will be somewhere in the 3.3 to 3.5 range. What else should I be saying? URM? I haven’t been on this site in quite some time.</p>
<p>I am a Political Science Major and Philosophy minor. I am currently a sophomore. </p>
<p>As far as HS goes I don’t know what my GPA was because our school never gave us them. It was just a number. I averaged something like a 91. You guys can convert that if you like.</p>
<p>I took 3 APs I believe. I got 4s on the AP English and English Lit. Didn’t take the AP for US Gov.</p>
<p>Um…I’m from an underprivileged area in RI…which is always rare I guess.</p>
<p>Class rank in HS? Ummmmmm…man I honestly don’t remember because Michigan did their rankings different because of how they convert GPA. Top 1/6 at the very least out of a class of 300.</p>
<p>No, HS record and test scores are given most weight for soph transfers, the OP will be a jr transfer, so what he’s done in college will be much more important.</p>
<p>Your gpa tends to be a little low for transfers, though there are no official cut offs (read the sticky thread at the top of this forum: Transfer Admissions 101).</p>
<p>You’ve already been through the school selection process once, think about what schools appealed to you for freshman admissions and go from there. Now that you have more experience with what college is really like you should be able to come up with some ideas.</p>
<p>Wait, but UMich has like 50,000 people though? Surely there’s got to be a group of people who are similar to you? Still, if you do decide to transfer then best of luck to you. :)</p>
<p>“and overall most of these people just aren’t that interesting personality wise or very attractive.”</p>
<p>=\ That’s a little harsh and too much of a generalisation considering you’re making a judgement about 50,000 people with a single statement.</p>
<p>All right thanks and I have 3.5 right now actually…it’s just that I’m taking a bunch of classes I suck at and bracing for the potential slide. Oh and maybe I was harsh because I have found people here who are cool, but it’s cool in that way you’re cool with certain people in your class in HS, but outside of class you really don’t chill all that much.</p>