<p>Does anyone know how likely it is for an alternate to be accepted eventually,specifically for the GW program? Any help would be appreciated. Does this mean I am essentially "wait listed?"</p>
<p>How likely is it for someone to turn down GW BA/MD? Please be realistic, I don't want my hopes to get up too high. GW was my top choice med program and the only one that really made an impression.</p>
<p>HOW REALISTIC ARE MY CHANCES? How many other alternates are there? If 50-60 got interviews, 20 acceptances, does how much of a shot do I have as an alternate of having people not enroll? I am completely frustrated right now.</p>
<p>I like GW but I was accepted to UMKC also. If I don't hear from GW by like, mid april or something then I'm going to accept UMKC cus that's a good program, too. I can't wait for all of April for other people to reject a good program lol.</p>
<p>2 Alternates posted yesterday. Did you hear from GW by email or by snail mail?? Here in NY 2 applicants who were interviewed have not heard yet.</p>