Am I a good candidate for Colorado College

<p>I'm a junior in high school and i moved the summer before my sophomore year. I have a 3.882 unweighted GPA, my newest school doesn't weight grades.</p>

<p>8th grade:
Algebra 1: A
Spanish 1: A</p>

<p>Freshman year:
Honors English: B
Honors World History: B
Honors Biology: B
Geometry: A
Spanish 2: B
Art: A
PE/Health: A</p>

<p>Sophomore year:
Honors English: A
AP World History: A
Chemistry: A
Algebra 2: A
Current Issues: A
Journalism: A
Spanish 3: A
PE/Health: A</p>

<p>Junior year (first semester):
AP Literature and Composition: A
AP US Government: A
Physics: A
College Algebra and Trigonometry: A
Spanish 4: A
Journalism: A
Accounting 1: A</p>

September: English: 30, Math: 24, Reading: 28, Science: 25, writing: 7, composite: 27
December: English: 30, Math 27, Reading 29, Science 23, writing 8, composite 27
-Waiting for my scores from a school wide April test, hoping to get into the 32 range</p>

Freshman: 159
Sophomore: 169
Junior: 179</p>

<p>-Junior Varsity Cross Country, Indoor, and Outdoor track for three years
-Club lacrosse during freshman in sophomore year
-Varsity letters in lacrosse, academics, and journalism
-Co-editor for school newspaper during junior year
-2nd place in flat layout and editorial for state competition
-2nd place for state we the people
-secretary in service clubs interact and key club
-junior leadership or laramie county
-NHS during senior year
-Juniorrettes (a service club)
-Wyoming Air National Guard Youth of the Year
-Girls state representative for this summer</p>

<p>Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!</p>