Could somebody please chance me?

What do you think my chances are of being accepted into Colorado College?

Personal: White middle class male with no religious preference
School: A highly ranked public high school with 2000+ students
Rank: 9 out of 506
UW GPA: 3.9394
W GPA: 4.3712
ACT Composite: 33
English: 35
Math: 35
Reading: 29 (this is a sore spot but I have already tested twice with the same score)
Science: 34
Writing: 34
Senior Schedule:

  • IB Psych SL
  • IB Math 12 SL
  • College Credit English (accredited through local community college)
  • Anatomy/Physiology
  • Varsity Debate
  • Modern Global Issues/American Government
    Honor Class History:
  • Senior year: Above
  • Junior year: IB History 11 SL, IB Math 11 SL, Honors English, Varsity Debate
  • Sophomore year: All AS core subjects, Varsity Debate
  • Freshman year: All AS core subjects
  • Officer of Varsity Debate team: My team is in the top 20 in the nation. While I haven’t been to nationals, I have been a runner up 2 years in a row. I’ve done this all 4 years of high school.
  • Officer of National Honor Society: I’m one of three officers under one president out of over 100 members.
  • Work at a nursing home: Not sure if this means anything, but it’s really meaningful work and I get to do a lot of good for the people that live there.
  • Youth in Government: Unfortunately, I am only doing this Senior year.
    Additional Accomplishments:
  • I attended the top academic summer camp in Missouri that only accepts the ~300 10th grade students in the entire state. I lived on campus for 3 weeks.
  • I was the first runner up for a position as a Student Commissioner in my City’s government. There were only two positions available and it was supposed to be the top two seniors in the city.
    Major: Neuroscience

I have great resources for writing my essays and I have an array of great teachers and mentors for my recommendations so I am not worried about that aspect. If my essays are great and my recommendations are as well, how do my chances look based on the information above?

Your class rank, UW GPA and test scores are all above the median for the past few classes. So you look good there. Your rigor is a little low; most CC students arrive with 10 or more IB, AP or college classes. It is all about essays at CC. With your numbers and great essays you should have an excellent shot at CC.