<p>Most schools I've looked at require a high school transcript, even as a transfer. On top of that, they require core courses.</p>
<p>Due to a glitch in the system, my junior year grades in high school are "passes". I went from home schooled to public-schooled. All but two of my second semester senior year courses are withdraws, because I had to leave due to poor heath.</p>
<p>On top of that, I have learning disorders. I never made it past algebra. This means I never made it past biology in high school. Yes, that means no physics, no chemistry. (My state doesn't require these for gradation. At least it didn't at the time I graduated!)</p>
<p>I earned A's in Physical Science and Biology. However, I can't take Biology at the college level because I'm allergic to formaldehyde. (I discovered this at the frog dissection and was out of commission for three days). All that I can take at my community college is Geology. Won't that look horrible on my transcript? And won't my remedial math courses look horrible on my transcript? </p>
<p>I am excellent in English. In fact, I plan to get my degree in English. Am I out of luck, though, due to my poor math and science skills? Will I even be able to transfer to decent schools?</p>
<p>Sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been busy with school.</p>
<p>I'm looking to transfer to somewhere with a Creative Writing degree, not quite sure where yet. I have some hopes, but I know they're long shots.</p>
<p>I have a good high school GPA, 3.6. I decided to get my undergrad in creative writing instead of English, as I plan to be a college Creative Writing professor.</p>
<p>Would it look horrible for me to retake the SAT/ACT as a college student? I didn't fare too well on those. I did horrible on the math section, average on reading, and poorly on writing (mostly due to the fact I didn't realize I'd need to get help for my dysgraphia).</p>
<p>I know at one of the colleges I'm looking at, a good portfolio outweighs a bad SAT.</p>
<p>Just all the remedial college math classes scare me and make me feel dumb. My current prof is even suggesting I go down a level. Which means I'll have W on my transcript. She says that the W won't hurt my chances of getting into college. I know W is better than flunking the course, anyway.</p>
<p>It's just so stressful. I have a high goal/dream for myself and I don't know if I'll be able to achieve it.</p>
<p>I agree with kelsmom that we need to hear from examples of specific colleges where you would like to transfer and what college you are currently attending, if we are actually to be any help.</p>
<p>It does not look horrible to re-take the ACT/SAT as a college student, for schools which accept post-college scores. You need to check that for the specific schools you are targeting.</p>
<p>Gah, I am scatter-brained lately. I'll likely be transferring in Spring 2010, after I complete the degree. </p>
<p>I am currently at a community college in Ohio. I will have my AA in December 2009. I would like to attend a school like Emerson or Sarah Lawrence. My mom tells me not to worry, that I had good grades in high school. I don't even know if the withdraws show up on my HS transcript - they won't release my transcript to me so I don't know what shows up on it or not. SLC doesn't look at SAT scores anyway. I do have a back up school as they offer the master degree I want (I don't know if I'll get into grad school with all these remedial math classes, but we'll see :) ) that I'm fairly sure I'll get into - a state school. They don't require high school transcripts or SAT scores, and I can get a dual MA/MFA. Given I do WAY better on the GRE than I did on the SAT, that is! I don't know if those schools are out of my league, though, with all the remedial math classes. (I have a total of 5 in order to catch up - we're on a quarter schedule, though). </p>