Am I Cornell bound?


<p>GPA: 3.7 (transfer credits) 3.33 (Cumulitive)</p>

<p>Sat Scores : 2050</p>

<p>EC: Assistant at a neuropsychological testing lab
Student government President
Student Ambassador
Student intern at a psychological association for the homebound
Teen Court Attorney
SIT (Skating In The schools) assistant coach
Competitive figure skater (I will be going to regional this October)
Runway, and charity fashion shows (5 so far)
English tutor for college students.</p>

<p>I did a research assignment for my psychology class on human sexuality, and surveyed over a hundred people, plus wrote a thesis on it.</p>

<p>Volunteer: I have over 150 hours of volunteer service in a wide range of fields and environments.</p>

<p>Major: I plan to major in Clinical psychology or Behavioral Neuropsycholoy</p>

<p>High school: I went to a boarding school In India for a year and then I was home schooled for my junior high school. For high school I decided not to go. So I went to a local community college and took what they call the CPE (course placement exam) and stated taking lower level college courses and now that I am 16 and I will be getting my associates degree in Human Resources Spring 2006.</p>


<p>Stanford – Far Reach
Yale – Far Reach
Cornell – Far Reach</p>

<p>UCSB – Possible Reach
UCLA – Possible Reach
UCB – Possible Reach</p>

<p>Indiana University – Bloomington – Match/Safety
UNM – Match/Safety</p>

<p>umm...your EC's and stuff are good but you should retake the SAT and bring up your GPA.</p>

<p>GPA is too weak to be honest as well, but no harm in trying</p>

<p>SAT is a bit below average (AVERAGE, you know, the middle, don't freak out too much. Retake or consider the ACT in my opinion.</p>

<p>GPA is on the low side, too, but that doesn't make it impossible. My HS GPA was almost identical to your cumulative, but I had a significantly above average SAT.</p>

<p>Other parts of the application look great like ECs.</p>

<p>Ya, they are gonna make you apply as a transfer</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I will be applying as a transfer.</p>