<p>MeIsHM Thank you!! Yes I have some national awards (research, olimpyadas) Also I have non-profit organization…</p>
<p>texaspg# yes you are right, I should choose some safeties…</p>
<p>That I’m from Kazakhstan gives me some advantages like URM?</p>
<p>Advices are welcome</p>
<p>Askar96, no, URM status is considered only for U.S. citizens. Being from Kazakhstan will very slightly improve your chances compared to Pakistani, Indian and Chinese residents. </p>
<p>This is not because you are at a disadvantage, but rather that these colleges want to be considered international institutions with students from every corner of the earth.</p>
<p>aa okay. I got it. Again thank you MeIsHM :)</p>
<p>any opinions?</p>
<p>yes you are. so is everyone else. is there any reason that you shouldn’t apply?</p>
<p>just do it</p>
<p>bump bump …</p>
<p>YOU!! Yes I say You, chance me please;Will chance you back</p>
<p>Any chances?</p>
<p>If you’re expecting a percentage for your chances of getting in, you should set yourself up for disappointment. There is no way to estimate how likely it is for you to get in.</p>
<p>You have a chance at getting in. Not a big chance, because no one has a big chance at getting in. It’s a possibility. That’s the biggest “chance” anyone will be able to give you.</p>
<p>^ and also you shouldn’t be a black belt. At a legitimate school you need to be at least 20 in order to understand the art’s way. I’d say reach.</p>
<p>Thanks guys. Yup I agree</p>
<p>Hey guys c’mon</p>