Am I dead next year?

<p>I am new here, so I would like to start off by saying HELLO!!! :)</p>

<p> (school) year I am going to be a Junior. My schedule will be:</p>

<p>-AP Psychology (I've considered majoring in Psychology)
-AP Spanish Language (I love learning Spanish)
-AP US History
-AP English Language & Composition
-Pre-AP (Honors) Pre-Calculus
-Pre-AP (Honors) Physics
-PALS (Peer Assistance and Leadership, WAP</a> : Peer Assistance and Leadership)</p>

<p>I still have to interview for PALS, so I may not be taking that class.</p>

<p>I understand AP classes take a lot of time to study for...</p>

<p>Just wondering, is this schedule do-able?</p>

<p>Also, which of these AP/Honors courses are going to kill me? If any...</p>


<p>Well if you picked those classes, then you should know if you can handle it or not. If I had that schedule, I wouldnt be able to do it, but Im not you. And plus, you should ask someone from yoru school which classes are the hardest. Its obviously different at every school. For my school, APUSH is notoriously hard. I hope you survive XD</p>

<p>Definitely not.</p>

<p>AP Psych is really easy, just read.
The test for AP Spanish is really difficult, but usually the class is not hard to maintain an A in. Just make sure that around AP time you study really hard for it.
I found APUSH to be a lot of work, but that was because I hated it. I somehow always got As even though I read while being half asleep, so I don’t think it’s that hard. Again, read. If I had read, I think I would have had a 4 instead of a 5, but it might have also been because my teacher never really taught.
AP English is always easy. Always, always. If you’re running out of time for work in your other classes, I’d say this is the one you should neglect. Usually I can get 100% on a test with a passing knowledge of the books. In English really it’s more about ability than knowledge. My teacher really doesn’t teach and has a really high passage rate. The other AP Lang teacher at my school has her students writing and reading out the wazoo and they still don’t do as well. Students who know they aren’t ready try to get her, so the lazy teacher has a more capable crowd anyway. Pay attention to what sort of scores you get on practice APs. You can probably improve a bit, but people generally stay at the same level no matter what.</p>

<p>Usually in math there’s homework every day, so that’s probably what you’ll work on the most even though it’s not AP. Science classes generally have a lot of homework too. Just make sure you grasp the concepts while in class and try to do as much of your homework for these two classes in school.</p>

<p>I don’t know what PALS is really, but it sounds like it’d be a mostly outside of school thing, since you’re working with younger kids. Usually, that’s fun and really enjoyable. I worked with 2nd graders last year and they were pretty sweet kids. This year because the teacher I worked with switched schools, I couldn’t, but I still tutor 12 year olds, and they’re still pretty sweet. It’ll probably a light in your day.</p>

<p>It depends on your school, but I think your schedule looks very manageable. Talk to people who have taken the classes, ask your future teachers about grades in their classes and passage rates. People generally complain about math and science classes the most at my school, no matter how many APs they’re taking, so I think those would be the worst. Honors Physics doesn’t get that many complaints, but a lot of people at my school skip to AP, so that may be why. I cannot tell you how much people moan about Pre-Cal. They’re always “Ahh, trig identities! Unit circles! Polar and parametric equations!” Seriously, it’s not that bad.</p>

<p>Thank you guys for the responses. Greatly appreciated. :)</p>

<p>At my high school, that schedule is definitely do-able.</p>

<p>Yeah, that schedule looks pretty good, and it also helps being interested in some of your classes.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>I like your schedule, it looks well-rounded.</p>

<p>Good to hear!</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies, everyone.</p>

<p>I am excited for my classes next year. :)</p>

<p>Minus APUSH…</p>

<p>Oh, it sucks not to be excited for APUSH. I can easily do really well in histories I love but in histories I hate (like I hated APUSH) it’s a struggle.</p>

<p>I mean, APUSH will be more interesting than World History I think.</p>

<p>I did NOT like World History, except for our US unit :)</p>

<p>Depends on your school… Try to gauge what these classes will be like by talking to current and former students. AP Classes, even with the same designation, can be different by leagues in difficulty, teaching style, and depth.</p>

<p>Dead? No. Risking sleep deprivation/stress? Maybe. It really depends on your school. </p>

<p>APUSH is a lot of reading; if you don’t like history, it might be tricky, but definitely manageable. </p>

<p>If you like math and science, you will probably do very well in Physics/Precalc. You really have to keep up with your homework/the material in these classes, especially Physics. I know a few people who are really struggling in these classes right now because they didn’t pay attention at the beginning of the year…everything builds on past lessons! </p>

<p>You seem motivated and bright. I’m sure you’ll be just fine. :)</p>

<p>Just a few things for you to ponder:</p>

<p>1) If you haven’t taken any AP classes before, think hard about your time management skills.</p>

<p>2) Think about your life outside of classes, besides PALS (e.g. yours other ECs) and how they will fit it.</p>

<p>3) Imagine if you get sick for a week and how you’ll need to claw back onto your schedule.</p>

<p>4) Figure out when you’ll need to schedule in prep for the SAT and/or ACT.</p>

<p>Definitely doable. I’m taking an equivalent of 7.5 APs and it’s tough, but I’m not killing myself.</p>

<p>Heard AP Psych is a breeze. I love Spanish too, but keep in mind that it’s a huge jump from Spanish 3 (or any other Spanish class I guess). I’m struggling to maintain an A, and I’ve heard the AP test is really hard. APUSH is lots of work but difficulty-wise not that bad. English is same, lots of reading, but not too difficult. If you’re a math/science person Precalc and Physics will be your easiest classes, if not you may have to work a bit but it still won’t be that bad. I don’t know anything about PALS but a leadership class is always a great class to take, plus it looks good.</p>

<p>You’re in good shape.</p>

<p>Yeah you are dead! If anyone will see your schedule you will get stuffed into the locker!</p>

<p>holy moly moly
God bless.</p>

<p>I took a harder schedule than that junior year and had a bazillion ECs, and I’m sure a decent amount of other CCers did as well. You’re definitely not going to die.</p>

<p>APUSH is annoying to study for, since it’s a lot of reading that WILL inevitably get crammed in the few days before the test.
AP Lang was stressful to me because I honestly couldn’t write before I took AP Lang. If you already are sufficient at writing and having critical thinking skills, you should be fine.
AP Psych is really easy.</p>

<p>I took AP Latin, so that’s different. But my friends who take AP Spanish hate it.</p>

<p>Pre-Calc is easy. </p>

<p>I hate Physics. =P</p>

<p>Secret Asian Man: “I’m taking an equivalent of 7.5 APs and it’s tough, but I’m not killing myself.” Wait, not in one year right?</p>

<p>AP English Language
Spanish 3 Honors
AP United States History
Pre Calculus Honors/Analysis of Functions
AP Psychology
AP Biology
Physics Honors
Mine is kinda like yours except you have an elective which is my AP Biology, and your AP Spanish is my Spanish 3 Honors.</p>

<p>Hahaha you’ll be okay. 4 APs is a lot for Junior Year (only like 5 kids in my grade are in 4). </p>

<p>Personally, I love AP Psych even though, in my school, it is actually a challenging class. My teachers takes no prisoners and only the top part of the class gets A’s and most get B’s for the quarter. She does have a high amount of people that do well though on the AP.</p>

<p>APUSH… <em>sigh</em>… my teacher has no idea what he is doing… ever. He is kind of a spastic person who does not know how to teach an AP class. I am doing well inthe class somehow… but… I am so totally screwed for the AP.</p>

<p>AP Langg… my teacher is a very easy grader for some reason and I have like straight A+'s in that class even though we get a ton of work. For the AP, I just want to make sure that my hand does not fall off.</p>

<p>AP Span Lang… I was recommended for it next year, but dropped it. I am not that good at Spanish, but if you are, you’ll be fine. Even though my AP Span Teacher is totally crazy hard, but has kids do REALLY well on the AP.</p>