<p>i am currently an upcoming junior trying ot be mechanical engineer at university of Michigan. I took a lot of my major courses my sophomore year and now i have a gpa of 2.739. i feel helpless. im sure if i devote myself to it, then i would be able to pull it off to at least a 3.0 (hopefully). if not, at most....2.8-2.9. would this affect my chances at grad school later on? (MBA) and would it kill my chances of getting a good job at top tier companies? please send me some hope...</p>
<p>You still have 2 years to boost your grades to a 3.0. Read some books about studying and time management to get motivated. How to Become a Straight A Student by Cal Newport is really good. There is also a blog that goes with it. </p>
<p>Don’t worry about how grad school or job prospects will be affected yet. That will just stress you out. Just focus on school in doing well in your classes one semester at a time.</p>