Am I good enough for Cornell?

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I'm an international student from the UK applying for US unis later this year.</p>

<p>My profile so far is:</p>

<p>GCSEs: 3A*s 7As
A-Levels: Maths (A) (including 100% in two modules), Economics (A), History (B), Further Maths (B) (in history I am one mark off an A and in Further maths I am two marks - they may improve as I'm currently getting some modules remarked)
Advanced Extension Award Economics: Merit
Open University course in intermediate Spanish.</p>

<p>currently doing an internship with a Member of the Parliament (MP) in the UK.
and also volunteering as a classroom assistant at my old school.
wide range of sports.</p>

<p>I haven't taken the SATs yet. But I think I can get 2200+ in SAT I and similar scores in the subject tests (maths II, US history and biology).</p>

<p>Are my chances good?</p>


<p>There are two kids down my hall from the UK! Do you also have a posh British accent?</p>

<p>Because it’s mandatory for acceptance</p>

<p>Well let’s think about this one:</p>

<p>All the British kids I’ve met here at Cornell have posh British accents. Now, this does not mean that if you do have a posh British accent, you will be accepted. However, it does mean that a lack of a posh British accent is certainly grounds for a rejection.</p>

<p>Does anybody have any useful comments to make, please?</p>

<p>And I was born in China but grew up in Britain, so I don’t really have a posh British accent.</p>

<p>Everything looks good…grades look great.</p>

<p>However, thats a little bold to guess your SAT score, but hey, if it’s just confidence then I hope you get what you predict.</p>

<p>I love how UK people say maths.</p>

<p>If you do get your four As after remarking, you should consider trying for places like Oxbridge or LSE.</p>