Am I Hispanic or White-Caucasian?

<p>Im an exchange student from Spain in America. It is a struggle when Im asked about my race. Technically Since Spain is in Europe I am Mediterranean Caucasian but some people will tell me Im Hispanic What do you think?</p>

<p>One of my friends has a Spanish mother and an American father and when she was applying to schools she said she was Hispanic.</p>

<p>You need to read the OP of the Definition sticky thread and pay particular attention to the difference between ethnicity (Hispanic) and race. Also you should look at the background categories listed on the Common Application under Hispanic.</p>

<p>You also should read the Resources sticky thread, particularly the section about Hispanic Applicants and College Admissions, as not all Hispanic applicants receive the same consideration.</p>

<p>Sorry, I used to answer questions like this constantly, but I really think that all the information is out there, and that each student needs to read the primary source information for themself rather than blindly taking the advice of people on an internet website.</p>

<p>Sorry, I read your OP too quickly. Since you’re from Spain you would be considered an In Intl. student when applying to college and URM status does not apply, so marking Hispanic or not will not affect your admissions.</p>