Good afternoon. I’m currently a sophomore in High School and I was quite interested in seeing whether or not if as of right now, I would be on the right track into getting into Notre Dame solely based on my stats and ECs up until this point in time. I would gladly appreciate if I could get some feedback or any potential advice on how to further enhance my application in the coming years of High School. As a side note, I’m planning on majoring in Biochemistry in which I’ll be taking AP Bio Junior year and AP Chem Senior year.
Freshmen Year: 4.43 GPA, 2 Honors classes (Math and English), AP Span Lang, Physics (Only AP, no honors offered yet it technically is at my school since it’s as difficult as AP)
Sophomore Year (As of right now): 4.6 GPA, 2 Honors classes (Math and English), AP World History and AP Spanish Literature (Not able to take a science this year which is agonizing due to my major yet my electives express my passion in certain areas in which they take up my schedule. However, I’ll be taking AP Bio next year and AP Chem Senior year which all works out
As for ECs: Jazz Band, Symphonic Band (1st chair Alto Saxophone), Cross Country (JV), Tennis (Varsity), Chess Club (Vice President), Math Club, Science Olympiad (Gold Team), HYLC (Hispanic Youth Leaders Council), HOSA (Health Occupants of America), Key Club.
Once again, I would gladly appreciate if I could get some feedback. Also, I’m studying rigorously right now and preparing for the SAT for I know that the applicant pool is beyond competitive and I’m aiming (or dreaming I should say) for a 1540+. Thanks!
Side note: (Would the admissions officers be that concerned if I didn’t take a science sophomore year due to my electives yet still did the most rigorous course load possible at my school? And since my major is Biochemistry and as long as I took AP Bio and AP Chem? For Junior and Senior Year? Thanks once again!)
Notre Dame prefers 4 years of science, but you’ll probably be OK. What electives came before a science class though?
You look like you are doing well. Keep studying and doing what interests you. And try very hard not to have ND or any school as a “dream school” - there are many many fine colleges out there.
For STEM majors, Notre Dame and peer schools want to see some level of physics as well. Also be on track to reach the highest level of math offered at your HS. Math and science courses should take priority over electives. Notre Dame’s website for the college of science says they prefer to see chem and physics.
Notre Dame is also known for having a very altruistic student body. Volunteerism would be a good thing to have on your application.
@suzy100 Well, for the electives that came before a science class, it was Jazz Band and Symphonic Band. Music is one of my true passions and I’ve excelled in this particular field for notable ECs. Symphonic Band basically takes up that available period. However, AP Biology and AP Chemistry for Junior and Senior year is what matters, wouldn’t you say? I definitely didn’t want to drop one of my passions (electives) that separated me from my peers for musical talent, as well as competitiveness. Additionally, it would result in the same GPA if I were to drop AP Span Lit for AP Bio or vice versa yet it doesn’t matter since I’m taking it next year then AP Chem senior year. What do you think matters more?
@suzy100 In other words, would it drastically affect my chances? I mean, having a 4.6 GPA with a rigorous course load would be the main contributor; however, I seem to have worried over it more than I had anticipated since in my mind, taking AP Bio next year and AP Chem senior year is what would matter due to my major (Biochem). Yet, not taking a science sophomore year due to my electives is seriously worrying me. I guess having a 4.6 GPA is what is making me remain calm and quite confident. Especially when knowing I can excel in the classes these next two years that basically represent my major (AP Bio and AP Chem).
Having only 3 years of science, especially for a prospective biochem major, may put you at a disadvantage as compared to other applicants. Can you take a science during summer school? And just to be clear did you take AP, honors or regular physics last year?
I understand the challenge with fitting everything in with band/orchestra, but those do not count as core classes. Core classes (ideally should have 20) > ECs
@Mwfan1921 My school only has AP and just Physics. It’s basically honors though since it’s as difficult as AP. I wanted all three backgrounds, specifically starting out freshman year in Physics and then moving up to the bulk of my major (AP Bio and AP Chem). Would dual enrollment work as a substitute for a science class sophomore year, referring back to your comment? If so, I will do that ASAP.
@Mwfan1921 I see where you’re coming from about taking only 3, which concerns me as well. But would it be that significant? As long as I take AP Bio/Chem, I should be relatively fine since for sophomore year you’re just substituting an honors chem class which is not even close, in terms of importance, as taking AP Chemistry. However, about the dual enrollment, could that solve my problem?
My daughter struggled with fitting everything in as well and unfortunately, ended up dropping her music class and just pursuing that outside of school. She was still able to have a full and enriching music experience.
Look at Notre Dame’s academic requirements and pay attention to what is recommended. Just because something isn’t required doesn’t mean it wont be held against you when they are comparing you with other applicants, especially since it is being offered at your school and you are making a choice not to take the course.
@momofsenior1 Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I understand. AP Bio and AP Chem is my main focus obviously, but I’m glad I decided to take Physics last year as an extra background.
@momofsenior1 Where did your daughter end up going, if I may ask? 
@momofsenior1 Do you think taking a dual enrollment class mentioned in the previous comments could potentially solve my problem? And adding that to my application as a side note to back up why I didn’t take a science sophomore year? I think it would show persistence and willingness to go outside of school to still maintain the strong science background.
She’s in the honors college at Purdue for chemical engineering. Notre Dame was on her list for a while so we did a lot of research about the school and visited. Ultimately she ended up not applying because she wanted to jump into her engineering course right away and wasn’t a fan of the required philosophy and theology courses as ND. She went to a catholic high school and was done with mandatory theology ; )
Yes, I think doing a summer course would help.
My daughter also ended up doubling and even tripling up in STEM courses junior and senior year so look closely at your schedule to see if that would be a possibility. I wouldn’t recommend taking both AP bio and AP chem together, but my daughter did AP chem and AP physics C as a senior and it worked out.
Do you have a guidance counselor at school that you can speak with regarding curriculum planning? That person should be able to make some recommendations and share what has worked for students from your HS who have successfully applied to Notre Dame and/or other selective schools.
@momofsenior1 Wow! Your daughter’s science background is quite impressive! Oh, sorry, if you thought I had said AP Bio and AP Chem in the same year, my apologies. I meant AP Bio Junior year and then AP Chem Senior year> Definitely not in the same year. Haha.
@momofsenior1 So I guess taking a summer course this upcoming summer to hopefully double or even triple in STEM would definitely solve my problem, and give me an even more competitive edge. I will look into that for sure.
@Mwfan1921 Lol, but, I’m in California and basically no one that I know of, especially those who have graduated in the past, have applied/gone to Notre Dame. The main prestigious universities that kids have applied to and gotten in at my school are the UCs (specifically Berkeley). I want to be the first, in the history of my high school, to have applied and gotten into Notre Dame. And, ultimately attend. Surpassing Berkeley. Haha 
Are there any current students at Notre Dame that could possibly give me some valuable tips or suggestions? 
(If you happen to come across this thread)