Yeah, good point…I was sort of assuming the GPA would continue its upward trend, and that the ACT & SAT re-takes would bump the scores up to the 33-34 neighborhood or its SAT equivalent.
OP, I think BC is a reach–your GPA is low for them, even with an upward trend. You’d have a better shot at BU, Northeastern… you should be looking at schools ranked 30 & up where your ACT will give you an edge, and your lower GPA with upward trend will be weighted heavily. There are a lot of good schools that do that, but they’re not in the top 20 (still apply but consider those schools reaches).
Thanks for everyone that replied, all of your input has been really helpful, Really good points about FSU and in state where finances are concerned, I’ll keep up the grind haha
Kind of a vague term, I was just generalizing based of of the infamous U.S. news and world report rankings