<p>Nearing the end of sophomore year, I really want to know what my chance of getting into an Ivy-League University is. Here's the classes I have taken so far and what I am taking next year</p>
Biology Honors - B
Chemistry - A
Geometry Honors - A
LA I Honors - B
World History - A
Spanish 3 Honors - A</p>
<p>Freshman Summer
Advanced Algebra II Honors - A</p>
Physics Honors - B (A high B I might be able to bring it up to an A)
AP Biology - A
Pre-Calculus Honors - A
Spanish 4 Honors - B
American Studies I Honors - A
LA II - A</p>
AP Physics
AP Chemistry
AP Spanish Language
AP Caluculus AB/BC
AS II Honors
LA III </p>
<p>GPA - 3.7/~4.2
PSAT - 211 (Sophomore Year - think I can bring it up to ~225 by next year)
SAT - Not taken yet (But, I get a consistent 2000-2200 in all practice tests)</p>
A2Z - a mentoring program, 1 year (so far; think I will do it for rest of High School)
Baseball - JV team (Likely on varsity as a Junior)
Volunteering at a Museum this summer
Voluntering at a Clinical Center next year</p>
<p>Take the SAT II exams as soon as you can after completing the class so that the material is fresh in your mind. This year you could try the Physics and Spanish exams.</p>
<p>Your UW GPA and predicted SATs will make admission to a top school very difficult. I would start researching less selective options–CC is a great place to learn about terrific colleges without the name brand of the Ivy League.</p>