Hello, College Confidential network!
I’m new to this website, and have been pleasantly surprised about all of the info people have been receiving from the gracious people from this community, so I felt the need to join!
So I was wondering about how I stack up for certain colleges. My top 5 are IIT, Butler, Carnegie Mellon, Rhodes College, and U of M Ann Arbor.
This is how my resume’ looks. I’m a current 2nd semester junior at Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati, a school that boasts #1 in Ohio, #65 in the Nation, and has the most AP courses offered in the Nation (or so I hear)!
-GPA unweighted 3.55/4.00 (has moved from a 3.29 in Freshman year, and still climbing)
-GPA weighted 4.41/6.00 (and climbing like above)
-PSAT: 1230 (I know that stinks, but I’m gonna work hard on my imminent SAT)
-ACT: 31 (first try)
-SAT/subjects: haven’t taken yet, will soon!
-8th and 9th grade Honors program (only 90 kids selected out of the 500 in my grade at the time)
-unweighted rank 101/449, weighted 81/449
-10th and 11th grade more As than Bs
-AP Classes: took - AP US History (5)…taking - AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Human Geography, AP English Literature…will take - AP Physics C, AP Chemistry, AP Calculus BC, AP English Language
-all advanced academic classes (except one b/c faulty scheduling) since 9th grade
-played baseball 9th-10th grade
-been heavily involved in the theatre program since 8th grade (even in a show that won a regional award for best musical!)
-been extremely involved 4 clubs, holding positions in each
-50+ hours of volunteering from being a TA to a tutor and a mentor, will volunteer in the summer too
-have a paid minimum wage job
I’m most interested in the physics/astronomy course in college, perhaps astrophysics. However I’m also interested in engineering, pre-med and chemistry. I obviously prefer math over anything!
Do you guys think I’m on a good track to getting into a college like IIT or Butler, or maybe even (maybe) Carnegie with some good financial aid? (my family doesn’t make over 100k a year)
Big thanks in advance to everyone who replies to this with their advice!!