Am I screwed? USC quick takes disaster

<p>I was up till 4am last night and I got a little crazy. my spec is ok:</p>

<p>GPA 4.0 unweighted
SAT reading750 math800 writing720 total 2270
SAT2 Math2 800 Physics
7 AP's with good scores
National Merit Semifinalist
Moderate EC, awards, etc.
Average essay-i couldn't fit my good essay under their prompts
good recommendation</p>

<p>OK so far so good, but here are my optional short answer and some of the quick takes:
opt. short answer: sexiest applicant this year
three word: hope of future
Favorite food: Kimchi
What do you do for fun?: Banana
favorite fictional character: George Washington
Role model: Super Mario
Favorite book: The Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Dream job: Massagist</p>

<p>I have no idea what i was on last night. I'm kinda worried now.
am i screwed?</p>

<p>Sweet! If they laugh as much as I did, you’re in. :-)</p>

<p>With those stats??? it wouldn’t make any difference what you listed incorrectly or otherwise… You’re going to love USC!!!</p>

<p>You have made a tired, stressed adcom laugh. No worries, you’re in. Enjoy your $21k tuition discount for your NMSF status.</p>

<p>You’ve got great stats, but it makes you look like you didn’t take their application seriously. Depending on the sense of humor of the application committee, I suppose. Honestly, I wish I was on the board because what the heck does any of that have to do with predicting your success at USC? Why does your favorite food or what you do for fun even matter?</p>

<p>Anyway, I think your stats are going to be enough to save you, and maybe you’ll get a young bored 20something like me who laughs at your short answers and gives you the rubber stamp. I would, because it’s refreshing to see a good student who doesn’t take this stupid process so seriously.</p>

<p>Well thank you guys, I feel less nervous now. </p>

<p>I had no intention of taking the admission not seriously because I really want to go there. But i was up late last night with some fever and allergy doing this and I got kinda fed up with weird things they wanted to know, so I put some answers that made it look like I didn’t care. I really hope I didn’t upset any admission officer, especially with the banana one. Thanks again!</p>

<p>Thats funny bro, and your probably going to get into USC with scholarship.</p>