<p>White Male
Attend NE Boarding School
GPA around 3.3 (good for my school)</p>
CR: 720
Math: 660
Writing: 700</p>
<p>SAT II:
US History: 780
Literature: 720
German: 740</p>
US History: 4
Music Theory: 4
Literature: 5
Psychology: 5
European History: 4/5</p>
Violin- First Violin school orchestra/ District Orchestra
Viola- Principal Violist
Debate Club- Co-President
Head Acolyte
Director of One act plays
Lead role in 3 plays
Baseball- Captain junior and senior year</p>
<p>Community Service:
Volunteered at Hospital (150 hours)
Boys and Girls Club (100 hours)
Service trip to Tanzania (planner)</p>
Franklin & Marshall
George Washington University
Colorado College
UC-Boulder (OOS)
University of Denver
Gettysburg College
Carleton College</p>
<p>privateschool...do you like the schools on your list? Would you be happy to attend any of them if accepted? If so, don't feel compelled to apply to "reach" schools just for the sake of doing so. You have a terrific list of lots good schools. Believe it or not...it's only here on CC where applying to "reach" schools is considered a necessity. Most kids apply to schools to which they feel they have a good chance of acceptance.</p>
<p>I like the schools, but there are some others i liked but thought i had no chance at. For example; University of Chicago, WashU, USC and some others.</p>
<p>Getting into UC-Boulder is about the easiest thing possible. Except I thought their GPA cut-off line was around a 3.5 (but I'm probably wrong on that, since I have no solid proof and I've only heard that by ear). </p>
<p>Colorado college would also be super easy, except, as I said, your GPA might present a little problem, but I'm sure your EC's easily make up for it.</p>
<p>Why not shoot a little higher? </p>
<p>Here are my suggestions for reaches:
-Texas A&M
<p>I have heard of an excellent college which fits your qualities perfectly. You should definitely check it out. Its called MCC!!!!!!! Check it out seriously!!!!!</p>
University of Chicago, WashU, USC and some others.
<p>Just apply, you'll never know. D knows someone who got into WashU with 3.5 uw GPA,2000+ SAT(not sure if he took the ACT or not). Also someone with 3.4uw,2100+ SAT got into USC from top 100 US News Rankings)U of C is not stats base, write a good essay. The above schools are not out of your reach.</p>
<p>Very not screwed. Your selections range from safeties (U of Colorado and Denver and Gettysburg) to high fits (Carleton). You could aim very high for reaches. Very strategic choices, BTW – lots of the schools you're interested in are highly regarded yet a bit less difficult to get into than schools with more difficult admissions but less quality. </p>
<p>You'd get into at least 3 or 4 of the schools you listed originally.</p>
<p>Personally, I think you're in at all of them unless they reject you cause they think you're overqualified. You could be a little bit more ambitious; but you are more than qualified for all of those schools that you listed.</p>