<p>Am I the only one who's practically done no other app supplements? Or are other people as crazy as me..</p>
<p>You’re not alone. Not in the least. I have like 5 other essays to write before Christmas >.></p>
<p>Definitely not alone. I’ve got nine left ><.</p>
<p>D’s almost done with her final application (#10). Hoping to have it done this weekend. This way whatever happens on Monday, she moves forward easily.</p>
<p>LMAO i only did one so far…yale ea…which was due more than a month ago
you are TOTALLY not alone</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m in the same situation. I have only submitted one other application. If I don’t get in or deferred, I’m screwed! I will have a bad Christmas break.</p>
<p>Welcome to procrastination land: population, CC.</p>
<p>YES, I agree with you 1.009 * 10^5000000 times, OneKing! xD </p>
<p>I’m practically the President of Procrastination land, and if for some reason any of you are not part of my queendom, you are welcome to join.</p>
<p>Your majesty, I would like to become your subject. ;)</p>
<p>Why thank you, kind sir. I’ll make a special certificate to welcome you into —</p>
<p>I’ll finish this post later.</p>
<p>I haven’t applied anywhere else yet. I am feeling pretty balsy right now…or foolish for that matter.</p>
<p>It’s not like i think I can get into… <em>Yale</em>… I just havent been motivated at all to do other apps… I hope not getting in will be enough of a motivation… eek</p>
<p>Umm…I’ve done WashU’s (heehee! no supplement) but I still need to do scholarship apps, so no. I have some w/ optional essays, which I refuse to write if I get in.</p>
<p>rb3, I don’t think I can get in either…I’m just lazy :P</p>
<p>same here, i have like 8 schools i still need to submit (all are common ap, and the supps are pretty much done)
but still, i havent been able to get my ***** together and just finish them.
ahhh procrastination and laziness - my greatest virutes.</p>