<p>Well, I'm gonna put the basics for Northwestern nd Uchicago...just attack me but honestly</p>
<p>33 ACT (34 superscored)
96 gpa ( 3.97 uw but this is self calculated)
<p>Clubs( leadership in parenthesis) how long:
Chess (12) 3 yrs
NHS 3 yrs
3 comm. service projects 3 yrs......bout 80 hrs overall
Math team 3 yrs
Writers club 2 yrs
Newspaper (11-12) 3 yrs
Another club (12) 2 yrs
Job for 3 to 4 months
Yearbook 1 yr
Tennis CLUB 1 yr
National Honors Society 3 yrs</p>
<p>Awards in National Latin and Biology exam
Perfect attendance 1 year
2nd place short story contest</p>
<p>Basically thats it. Btw I put a lot of time in each of my clubs and I don't just blow them off. Maybe I will skip 1 meeting in a month or 2 but I am always there to dedicate time to it.</p>
<p>I'm gonna take 2 subject tests in November.</p>
<p>What do you ppl think for me going to WCAS in Northwestern or just Uchicago? I will chance you back if you chance me</p>