Hi there, I know it’s a bit ‘early’ to be worrying about this, but I want to be attending at least a top 50 school and my grades are a bit worrisome. I have been living with a mental illness ever since I can remember, and it’s been really hard for me this year, and has caused me to miss at least 1-2 days of school per week. I have just started on my medication, and I can already see an improvement in my grades, and it seems that colleges like improvement, so I figured it would work in my favor.
By the end of high school I plan to have taken 12 AP classes (AP Macro, AP World History, AP US History, AP Spanish Lang, AP Biology, AP Lang, AP Lit, AP Environmental Science, AP Statistics, AP Psychology, AP Comparative Gov, and AP Micro). So that checks off “student has taken the most rigorous course as possible” considering they only offer 14 AP classes at my school and I will be self studying two of these (AP Psych and AP Micro). I’m confident I have gotten fours or fives on my current AP classes (AP Micro and AP World History)
My cumulative GPA: around 3.4 unweighted (around 4.0 weighted)
I really hope that I can miss less school next year and in turn increase my GPA.
My EC’s: National Honor Society, RAKE (random acts of kindness), FCCLA (a cooking club that caters often), I also plan to join the UN club at my school next year, as it is new, and I am extremely interested in pursuing something in politics.
I have not taken the ACT or SAT yet, but I did get a PSAT score in the 85th percentile this year (I have only been taking geometry which led to a lower score in the math area, but I plan to take Alg. 2 w/ trig over the summer so I can get a head start)
I’m from Seattle, Washington so I aim to either get into the University of Washington or go to a University of California college.
My reaches: Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of Chicago
My reachable-goals: University of Washington, Pepperdine University
My safety schools: Washington State University, Seattle College
I always aim to be the best I can be, and I’m convinced I can write a great essay.
I think that’s it, thank you!