American Sign Language Classes at Harvard?

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I'm actually a MIT student, who will enter MIT this fall as a freshman. I've been looking into classes I want to take, including humanities and language classes. I noticed that MIT doesn't have any foreign language classes in American Sign Language, which kinda disappoints me. But I also noticed that Harvard has some ASL classes offered, though I'm not sure if they are really classes and can be taken for credit. </p>

<p>Does Harvard offers ASL classes as if they were part of the undergraduate courses? If so, then I would like to cross-register sometimes later on and use the credits towards my MIT credits. (MIT requires us to take 8 humanities courses, and it would be awesome if MIT would count ASL class as one of the humanities class instead of towards the General Elective Credits, because I plan to take one humanities course per semester).</p>

<p>The classes offered at Harvard are not official Harvard classes. They are adult ed, offered through C.O.D.A. - Committee on Deaf Awareness. They are held on Sunday afternoons for one hour only.</p>