American University Class of 2027 Official Thread

Please post decisions in the decisions thread. Use this forum for discussions.

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The wait is tough and having wrong info makes it all the harder. But, my impression in reading the thread is that @CC_Sorin is working to verify as much as possible, asking posters for their sources.

Accepted with $20k posted stats in other thread. :tada:

did anyone get honors program notification at the same time as admission?

My daughter’s portal still says “submitted” under honors.
Does that mean they haven’t released honors decisions yet?

Yes, some people I know did.

maybe. my daughter’s letter didn’t mention the honors program so maybe that comes later. she did apply.

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My daughter didn’t have this and she was also waitlisted. So not seeing it wasn’t a sure bet,

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They released it. Any decisions came in the admissions letter. Ignore the rest.

Daughter’s decision letter had a paragraph about being accepted in honors.

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Did they include the financial aid in the letter? (We were driving in the car and my d read a scholarship but no aid in the letter.) Where should she look for this if it’s there? TIA and congrats!!!

It’s on a separate page, so not on the Congrats page. When you download it on the desktop you can see it as part of the package


Merit aid is in the letter. Need-based is located in the MyAU student portal.

My daughter was waitlisted. :woman_shrugging:t2: (Theatre/acting, 3.7 unweighted, 8 AP’s + some honors, pretty good theatre-related ECs.)

ETA: She did very little to show demonstrated interest. I know AU pays a lot of attention to that, so probably a factor.

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I got in with a 3.7 unweighted, but I had significantly stronger EC’s.

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My DS was admitted to AU with $20K/yr in merit (Presidential) and he got into Honors. We visited and he did some virtual events and contacted his Admissions Officer via email. He has strong ECs, a rigorous courseload (15+ APs), and relatively high stats (3.96UW, 4.6W, 1490 SAT). He’s interested in Political Science, and AU is near the top of his list, so he’s pretty excited.

This college process is crazy this year! This is my 3rd kid to go through the process and I couldn’t begin to understand who gets accepted and who gets denied. My daughter was waitlisted and has great grades, EC, 34 ACT, 4 years varsity lax and her older sister goes to AU with basically the same stats.


yeah they do, I had a tour scheduled and been on their mailing list and events list before. currently 3.6 w with 13 aps and good ECs and accepted w 50k aid.

Agreed, I thought my daughter (waitlisted) was a likely admit and has been accepted at several more selective schools — but she didn’t really demonstrate interest for AU, and beyond that, there’s just so much unpredictability and so many variables that are out of our kids’ hands.

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Honestly, in thinking about it, I admire that the school wants kids who are genuinely interested in their school and its programs. My DD would have considered American but I’ll admit that I don’t think it was in her top three.

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