AmericanUniversity - How selective/hard to get into

<p>Okay so I went to a no name school for 95% of my undergrad career...then hit rock bottom and finished at UMUC which is an online school. My GPA for my first school was about 3.2...UMUC is 3.6. I highly doubt I can contact my professors any of my 2 major professors at my first school for a letter of recommendation because although they loved my work I never went to class and was a bit a schemer. </p>

<p>Even if I do good on the GRE do I have a chance? I'm recently interested (thanks to member here) in the MPA program. And out of the 3 schools in a DC that offer it..AU seems more practical if at all possible. I cannot leave DC because I need to work</p>

<p>Also in a situation like this does anyone have any recommendations for procuring letters of recommendations? I don't want them to come from the online school. I'm feeling like I've destroyed my chances at this any helpful advice please</p>