<p>Hey does anyone have any experience or knowledge if this program can make a student display a stronger applicant for University transfers or internship applications. I got accepted into a AmeriCorps program where you mentor younger children in the community and possibly gain good leadership skills in the position, the entire program last about 7-8 months or a total amount of 300 hours. I currently go to a community college and will be graduting soon with a 3.65+ gpa and would like to transfer to good schools such as Umiami, USCalifornia, Uwashington, and maybe Haas at Berkeley but doubt it due to the high competition and being an out-of-state transfer. Any prior knowledge about this program would be appreciated</p>
<p>Yes, it will help for sure. It shows that you are socially aware and dedicated to helping others. I think it will be worthwhile and often times, universities consider the character of the applicant when making their decisions. </p>
<p>I have already graduated from college but I am also looking at the AmeriCorp program. It is nationally recognized.</p>
<p>Hope this helps,