Amherst 2025 ED Discussion

Any intel on when ED decisions will be released? I’m pretty sure that 2 and 3 years ago, it was the first Friday in December, and then last year it was the middle of the following week. Any chance in could be this Friday, 12/4? Seems awfully early, doesn’t it?


I’ve been wondering the same! I heard that in past years they’ve sent an email the Tuesday before decisions came out, so maybe there will be some news tomorrow? This Friday seems unlikely but it’s possible, especially since they don’t usually get a ton of ED applicants.

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Good luck to all of you! The last three years ED decisions have come out:

  • Class of 2022 Friday Dec 8th 2017
  • Class of 2023 Friday Dec 7th 2018
  • Class of 2024 Wed. Dec 11th 2019 (Superstitious maybe and didn’t want decisions out on a Friday the 13th?)

International student ED Amherst Here

I participated in an info session for Chinese students by Amherst last Wed, and the AO said this year’s ED application of Intl students is 2.3 times of last year (kinda bad news for me but still wish I can get in).

Plus, this year’s ED application deadline was Nov.16, which is about two weeks later than previous years, so I suppose Dec,4 is not very likely. (as more people are applying, the later due date of ED, and the especially early “First Friday of December” this year lol. )

Also, I have just found out from last year’s Amherst ED thread that Amherst extended their ED deadlines ,because of the fires in California, to 11/10 for those impacted. So I speculate this year’s result may come out on second Wed. as last year (which is Dec 9 – Uh my 18th Birthday), or maybe even Dec11 (like even if it is the second Fri, it is not that late still)

Anyway, good luck everyone!


In the info session for Chinese students, did the AO mention anything about total numbers of ED applications? Are there more US applicants this year?

hmm not sure about US applicants, but specifically for International students, the AO told us that the amount of intl applicants is like 2.3 times compared to last year.

I thought it was on December 15.

It comes out by December 15, but not necessarily on that day! I’m thinking it’s probably going to come out next Wednesday or Friday.

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I just emailed the admissions office to ask about when the decisions could come out, and they said this:

Thank you for your email. On Monday, Dec. 7th you will receive an email from our office giving you the date the decisions will come out.

The Admission Staff

According to trends from previous years, the admission office mostly notify applicants about decision dates just 2 days before the actual release date. So, in this case, the decision for class of 2025 ED applicants would highly probably be on Wednesday, Dec. 9.


That’s insane, so soon.

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What??? Jeez that’s made me more stressed than before, 2.3x as many? Shouldn’t have read this thread lol

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uhhhh Dec 9 is my birthday

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HBD Nate! It would be a double rejoice to receive a letter of acceptance on the same day as your birthday. Good luck!

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Thank you for your kind words! Good luck for both of us!

I have heard from some last year applicants that they received an early acceptance letter. I was wondering if someone has got an early write this year. Anyone?

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Me and another tennis recruit haven’t got one

Ahhh, less than a week! That’s crazy! Good luck everyone :slight_smile:

Guys! Aren’t you concerned that, even though the number of applicants have significantly increased this year plus with a late ED deadline than last year, they are releasing decision results just like a normal year?
I really hope that they review our applications carefully, not just like this👉🏻.
College Admissions: Inside the Decision Room - YouTube

Result is out on Dec 15 fellas - may the force be with you all.

Dude you fr ?? 2-3x more international students, I was expecting less because of the travel and visa restrictions.