Amherst 2025 ED Discussion

don’t know for sure but I hope they defer more than reject!

Same here. I am so nervous to be honest, because I dont know what they will consider the most this year since they went through test optional policy too.

I don’t see December 15th on the app portal, but it does say on or around December 15th on the First-Year Timeline, meaning it could be earlier (or of course, later).

I think that the assumption that it is coming out this Wednesday is coming from the fact is that we’ll definitely learn when its coming out on Monday because of the email. The assumption is that decisions will come out 2 days after that Monday email, based on past trends.

speaking of test optional, did a lot of people submit their scores? or do they not really matter this round even if you did?

I submitted the one from sophomore year cuz I could not retake it during Covid. I think it would still give you a slight edge if you choose to submit a score.

Does ED actually give you an advantage at Amherst?? I was looking online & it said that ED applicants have a 35% acceptance rate. Seems exorbitantly high compared to other colleges and the overall acceptance rate. I know that some are recruited athletes but still!!

Haha last minute doubts…

It definitely gives some boost, probably more than other colleges on the same level, but you obviously have to take into account recruited athletes (which make up a large portion of the student body), A2A students (formerly DIVOH), and legacies and donors who have Amherst as a first choice.

To a lesser extent, there might be some students who are definitely qualified to use their early on HYPSM and even get in, but might have chosen Amherst instead. Of course they are no means a lock-in, but they obviously have a better chance that your average joe Amherst ED applicant (which by normal standards is still very good). These people probably don’t make up a majority or even a large minority of the pool, but there’s probably still 10-20+ of them.


Me too

International applicant from South Africa here (although my race is Asian haha.) I’m curious if there’s any other applicants from another African country tho

I think the email from Amherst should be coming sometime today, the one about when decisions will be released…?

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That’s right! In previous years it seems to have arrived between 12pm and 4.30pm EST - so basically the working hours of the admissions office.


so nervous about it… really wonder when it will come out


If they don’t notify us in the next couple of hours as they said, something out of their plan must have happened. It means the decision release date could be delayed.

anyone somehow got the email? I do not see anything as of now

Also has anyone got a call from Amherst? I do not remember which phone number I gave for them so I want to make sure I have not missed anything

Colleges will very rarely (or more likely not at all) call you for stuff like this. If you somehow did get a call and you missed it, the college will either send a follow-up text or email (usually email), so you don’t miss anything. Nothing to stress about!

Possible, but ultimately unlikely. If a college has the confidence to say they’ll email someone/a group of people by a date, that means they have made the preparations to do so. Sit tight!


No email yet for me at least.

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People I just got an email saying the result decisions will be out in the second week

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Confirmed! Decisions on Friday, Dec. 11. I just got the email. Good luck everyone!