Amherst 2025 ED Discussion

Did he get it in his email, or on the portal, etc?

:no_mouth: I haven’t received one yet, although that might be because I submitted my finaid documents somewhat late. Anybody else?

He received one in his email, it expands about the aid he’ll receive at amherst - also he told me that he’s able to set up an google account

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I think they’re sending forms and gmails out to probable students. I haven’t got nothing and i’m freaking out

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We’re in the same boots then haha. Being able to set up a mail account seems like an admit. It would be good to know if someone else also received a similar letter at the same time… Could you ask your friend for the timestamp of his letter? If somebody else also posts, we might be able to figure out if it was a batch mail to multiple applicants at the same time or they are sending them one at a time as the FInancial Aid Office finishes an offer for each person. I feel like its the later (others would have probably already posted in this thread – we have quite a few probable applicants here), so we might be seeing more letters sent out in the next few days.

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Yeah I’ll ask him. I still however, do have some hope that we’re gonna make it. Best of luck to you !


Thanks, all the best to you too :slight_smile: I haven’t lost my hope either, but this feels kinda discouraging.

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Just fyi, our S19 applied RD to Amherst two years ago and was able to set up an Amherst email. Then he was denied. I think their system is a little wacky. I even emailed the AO after the decision to let her know. He was able to set up an email, see classes, see the daily menus at the cafeterias, etc! I wouldn’t read anything into anything. I know it’s hard to wait!

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Thank you for the info, I hope all went well for your son afterwards. Seems like their system can make admissions even more stressful.

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Literally ! it’s like they’re purposely trolling lol

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yes all good. He’s at Bowdoin. I did just go back and look at the RD thread from 2019 and a lot of us could make Amherst emails and could see classfinder etc. Did not seem to mean anything but it was odd!


Honestly, even if I don’t get admitted, it was pretty cool being able to talk with people in the same situation as me (and knowing they were worried too as well, haha!). Let’s keep our fingers crossed.


For sure. This email situation is scaring me a little though.

Guys, I wouldn’t be too concerned about the email situation; I haven’t received anything either though I didn’t apply for any financial aid. Things like this happen every year and the only way we are really going to know our decision is when they are released on Friday. Stay positive!!

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Likewise dude likewise

Also - he got his letter at 3:21 PM PST yesterday.

Wait a second…That’s 6:21 EST isn’t it? Isn’t that the same time our decisions are coming out on the 11th?

Could there be a second wave at 6:21 today?

Ya’ll are freaking me out. I didn’t apply for aid but geez…hahahha

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Damn I didn’t even see !! - Yeah I think we should hold tight cause we might get something

I had to submit an extra financial aid document which I only saw from randomly looking at the portal today so it’s worth checking that now and then!