Amherst 2025 ED Discussion

Was that a document for IDOC, or something additional?

I didn’t get anything from Amherst. Anyone else?


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me neither

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Nope, my inbox is all empty :frowning:

I dont think they would release financial aid information before the actual acceptance

According to the email from yesterday though they sent some preliminary info+email info.

how many people got that email you know of?

Nothing for me either but I doubt it means much, almost exactly 2 more days of this hell until it’s over either way haha
(tried to attach a pain meme but it won’t let me!)

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So far only one, a friend of a poster. Maybe its meant to act as a likely letter or it means nothing at all. We’ll see.

yeah i know it is painful, but we cannot do anything except waiting for damn friday


guys does any of you know how many international applicants they take from the ED round?

They (non-US citizens) make up 10% of the student body so :frowning:

At this point, I feel like that letter was a honest mistake, which is not something completely unprecedented: looking back at past threads (like last year’s), Amherst even sent out apparently incorrect deferrals before decisions release. I don’t understand either what would make them release only financial aid decisions in waves at exactly 18:21 – it just feels complicated…? So there’s probably nothing to worry about. If they were sending out more letters, we’d inevitably be seeing other people posting about it here or on reddit.

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Guys this is so hard of a wait cause I’m only receiving mine on Saturday morning (7.21am)

Way to start the day

True, best is to wait for the actual thing (hard as it seems)

Good luck y’all!

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I saw a thing on reddit that I thought was good. It was to make a plan of all the things that you would do if you got accepted, like a list. Going to the cinema, getting ice cream with friends, whatever. And then to do them even if you don’t get accepted. I think I’m going to do that, maybe you should try it as well, that way you still get to have a good Saturday either way! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Fr, good luck to all of you.


Aww thanks! Definitely will cause my school’s first term ends this Friday so I’ll probably just try to cultivate positive vibes and Netflix a lot to take my mind off things


Guys I received instructions to set up an Amherst college dropbox and google account - does that mean I’m accepted ?

When did you receive it?