Amherst Diversity Weekend 2010

<p>My daughter applied to the Diversity weekend at Amherst for this fall 2010. Has anyone else applied and have they heard back yet?</p>

<p>D2 applied, no word yet.</p>

<p>We just received our letter today. My daughter didn’t get accepted. Admissions states that it is because she visited before and there were a very large amount of applicants this year for 160 spots. We are hispanic. They contend that my daughter is a strong applicant for acceptance to undergrad.</p>

<p>We also just heard of a peer that was accepted today, that visited once before. She is african american.</p>

<p>What should we make of this? Are they just being cordial in their reason for our denial?</p>

<p>D2 got the letter today too, and also was not accepted. They cited giving preference to students who hadn’t visited and those who couldn’t afford to visit on their own. D2 has not visited but we are not low-income (although we will apply for FA).</p>

<p>They did say that: 1) her application fee is waived; and 2) that if she is accepted and wants to attend the Admitted Student Open House in April, in most instances, they will fund travel.</p>

<p>My comment to her was that she shouldn’t be upset about not being accepted because they said that the number of applicants increased 200% this year and our income likely put her out of the running. With these types of things it really is difficult to predict the factors they will be giving the most weight in their selection, so I don’t think anyone not accepted should read it as any indication of future admissions decisions.</p>

<p>The original invite letter did say that they were making decisions based on financial need basis. But, our friend that was accepted comes from a very high income family, and she had already visited the college. </p>

<p>I can understand that this process is very highly competitive. I just wish that the visitation and income reasons were not used.</p>

<p>Is there something to fill out for having application fee waived? Is that income related or URM related? Tried following their links to determine when waiver for application fee happens but the links lead to dead ends for this bit of information.</p>

<p>I was wondering that too, since the letter doesn’t say how to indicate the fee waiver on the application. I’ve never used the CA online fee waiver request, perhaps you just indicate that you were a Diversity weekend applicant there.</p>

<p>^^No, the CA wants a code for the waiver, guess I’ll just have to call A and ask.</p>

<p>My D was accepted yesterday but they stated they wouldn’t pay airfare, just meals and lodging. We didn’t mark the financial aid box, but in this economy and with another child in college, we can’t justify the discretionary spending. Definitely a great opportunity, but difficult for families who wouldn’t qualify for financial aid but still have to watch expenses.</p>

<p>Interesting that the 2 examples of students accepted do not fit the priorities (haven’t previously visited/financial need) that A gave to kids that were not accepted.</p>

<p>did you guys get the letter in your email? or by mail? i have not heard from them, and i am not sure if that is a rejection or if i should just wait for a letter.</p>

<p>Snail mail almost a month ago. You might want to give them a call.</p>