<p>I just got a notice in the mail today from U of H saying that there is a required laptop purchase program for any freshman entering Hartt. Unfortunately, I didn’t see this listed on any of the college costs on their website, so it came as a shock. We have to pay U of H bookstore $2,797 for a MacBook Pro. It comes with a 4 year warranty and I understand it is THE laptop to have for musical majors but thats alot of money! My son is still going to Hartt, but beware of this extra cost if you are balancing your award letters and future costs for the school.</p>
<p>What do they do if a student already owns one?</p>
<p>I didn't think to ask. That is a good point. In the letter it reads "This laptop purchase is required for all incoming students accepted into any program at The Hartt School, and is exclusively available at the U or Hartford Bookstore". Tt also mentions that the school is "introducing a required laptop purchase program", so maybe this is something new for this year. I will give them a call and check it out.</p>
<p>This is something brand new for this school year. They have been encouraging students to upgrade to these computers for the last few years but I guess now it is going to be mandatory. The person in admissions said that the students will be allowed to enroll and start school with their old computers but would need to get the new ones as soon as possible.</p>
<p>That would be rough if you had JUST bought a new one a couple of weeks ago for college before this notification! </p>
<p>Also: What happens if you already own a MacBook Pro?</p>
<p>They said if you already own a MacBook Pro, then you didn't have to buy the one from them. Maybe a software upgrade?</p>
<p>I dont know about anyone else, but they gave me a pink flyer RIGHT after my audition at the Chicago Unifieds saying all of this.</p>
<p>And it's been in a few of the packets.</p>
<p>Hi, I recently contacted the bookstore manager and the Performing Arts Technology Specialist from the school, and got the following information regarding the MacBook Pro, I thought to share with everyone.</p>
<p>You can purchase the computer now from the bookstore. They ship anywhere in the United States.</p>
<p>Applications included with the computer (pre-installed): Address Book, Automator, Calculator, Dashboard, Dictionary, DVD Player, Expose, Font Book, Front Row, GarageBand, iCal, iChat, iDVD, Image Capture, iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, iWeb, Mail, Photo Booth, Preview, Quicktime Player, Safari, Spaces, Stickies, System Preferences, Text Edit, and Time Machine. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac is available for purchase with and academic discount through the University bookstore.</p>
<p>AppleCare plan is already enrolled on the computer. It is only parts and labor. There is no theft or accident protection insurance available at this time. Perhaps you can get insurance through your renters or homeowner's policy </p>
<p>My son auditioned at LA unifieds and we didn't notice any flyers. Maybe they had run out by then as we were the last stop before home. The school called 3 different times from different dept. to explain the program and costs. All very nice and they mentioned that they would be putting it on next years school costs via the web.</p>
<p>Great info MarieMTMom. Thank you for sharing. </p>
<p>The school mentioned that students could pick up the computers at orientation also.</p>
<p>I am sorry that some of you were surprised about this requirement. We did include it in our viewbook, make announcements at info. sessions, and on audition days (on campus), etc. Please note that in addition to the Apple Support included with your purchase your sons and daughters will also be able to receive support from our in house specialist.</p>
<p>Further information may be obtained from Hartt's website: [url=<a href="http://harttweb.hartford.edu/apple/welcome.html%5DWelcome%5B/url">http://harttweb.hartford.edu/apple/welcome.html]Welcome[/url</a>]</p>
<p>Please call Hartt Admissions with any further questions at 860.768.4465.</p>
<p>re: hartt computer requirement...we purchased our D a Mac book (at the Apple store) BEFORE she decided on Hartt. I'm sure tons of other kids will bring the laptop they own & be fine. One of her friends has a windows desktop (also in hartt) & so far has not needed any extra programs. Remember, programs can always be added as needed.</p>
<p>This computer is a requirement. Hartt's curriculum has been created around the fact that students are required to come to Hartt with a MacBook Pro. This is the first year that all majors are required to come with this computer.</p>
<p>Please contact Hartt Admissions with any further questions at 860.768.4465.</p>
<p>Good news for MT’s. This years computer required only costs $949.00!</p>
<p>Wow, that’s a great price. Is it still the Macbook Pro? You incoming freshman sure dodged an expensive bullet.
Welcome to the Hartt School. Yours is the only name listed in the acceptance thread. Congratulations. Hartt Rocks.</p>
<p>No. They no longer need the Pro just the white macbook…only certain majors need the Macbook Pro now, the MT’s and acting students only need the smaller computer.</p>
<p>The macbook pro is available for about $2000 at Apple stores, and the applecare program is $149… why is the one through the school so much more expensive?</p>
<p>This year the one through the school went way down in price. I think it is the same price as the Apple store with the student discount. (Thought is was about $1900 dollars)</p>