An honest take on M&T

<p>I have to say you are such a bad"butt" online lol.
Rumors have it that Lea reads CC :P
you want her to know you're harrassing prospective Penn (not to mention M&T) students? :P</p>

<p>i can see jco's window from here</p>

<p>but can you see any asian girls?</p>

<p>She does read CC, and I can see Max oogling people near Wawa from my room</p>

<p>punch them in the ovaries</p>

<p>i'm only oogling that handsome man up in the window
oh wait no</p>

<p>thats no man, thats jco's mom</p>

<p>then why does she have a beard</p>

<p>she hasnt had a wax in a while, dont be mean</p>

jco your mom is very pretty
for a man</p>

<p>it's ok, she's venezuelan, theyre known to breed the laziest human being on Earth</p>

<p>At least they have sex past 40</p>

<p>I popped out, that's all that matters.</p>

<p>that's the only popping you'll ever see</p>

<p>Pop-t pop-t pop-that thing</p>

<p>I'm-a show you how to make a man say..ooooh</p>

<p>I'm so effing hungry right now</p>

<p>pop tarts?</p>

<p>Screw that I'm going to Wawa</p>

<p>I can't believe you know that song jcov!!</p>

<p>Boom boom booooooooooooooom now lemme hear ya say wayoooo (WAYOOO)</p>