<p>THIS IS what i chose as my prospective major at YALE...I know the general concept of this major, etc..but can anyone give me details and what resources YALE offers for people with tehse majors?</p>
<p>Take a look at this website:
[Molecular</a> Biophysics and Biochemistry](<a href=“http://www.mbb.yale.edu/]Molecular”>http://www.mbb.yale.edu/)</p>
<p>if you look at the undergrad link you can try to get a better sense of the major. </p>
<p>there are faculty advisors for each year that you should talk to to figure out what you should be taking. </p>
<p>Also, i reccomend doing perspectives on science if you are interested in MB&B. a lot of the lectures have to do with chem, bio, and MB&B. and also then you can do research over the summer in the MB&B department.</p>