<p>Just to clarify, HYP ALL come out at 5:00 PM EST. H will send you an e-mail, Y & P will have you log in to a page that they will notify you of sometime in the next month or so, until then, relax and get on with the rest of your lives. Senior Year of HS doesn’t come back!</p>
<p>Don’t relax too much though. The better your second semester of senior year is, the harder your first semester of college will be ;)</p>
<p>… at least for me.</p>
<p>EDIT - TULO!!!</p>
<p>^ Now, how could you think I didn’t mean academically when I said "get on with the rest of your lives? ;P</p>
<p>@hume15 - I was an SCEA applicant. I took between two and three weeks from when I submitted my app for me to get an email.</p>
<p>How much weight is put on the short answer q’s?</p>
<p>I just got my eli account set up tonight, but I do not know where you finding out where it says what day we get our decisions. Where are you finding the date?</p>
<p>I feel the same way. I applied too & totally agree!</p>
<p>@Golf308 </p>
<p>Check the email they sent you</p>