<p>Well, to be honest, it wasn’t much of a choice - I was rejected at Exeter and waitlisted at Deerfield. Lucky for me, then, that Andover had been my first choice the whole time. Maybe that showed through to my other schools…</p>
<p>But if I had gotten into the other places, Andover would have been my choice for a whole array of reasons. First and foremost, I guess, it was just so… Different. In profound ways. What immediately struck me was how much freedom is given to PA students. We don’t have a dress code, our internet doesn’t get shut off at night, the whole town counts as campus so we need no special permissions to leave the campus walls… The list goes on. With that freedom comes responsibility, and that responsibility is emphasized constantly. I guess it’s that Andover’s philosophy is to learn by doing and by making mistakes. For example, freshmen might occasionally stay up all night on the internet, but they sure are going to suffer in the morning. How else are they going to learn to manage their time properly? By being told how? Unlikely.</p>
<p>Andover knows that kids are kids. Expectations for our achievement and behavior are, of course, extremely high, but we’re not necessarily treated as if we’re supposed to be miniature adults. That, for me, is great. I might occasionally show up to calculus first period in my pyjamas, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean I’m not going to work my behind off in that class. Furthermore, neither my teacher nor my peers judge me for it.</p>
<p>That’s another thing. It’s an incredibly tolerant place. I arrived on campus for my tour to a student with a big shaggy beard walking away from admissions. That would NEVER have passed at my old school, but you know what? Does it mean he can’t achieve in class? Absolutely not - and it’s the achievement that really counts here. You’re totally free to be who you are, and there’s no baggage attached to that. Any type of intolerance, like homophobia, gets absolutely BEATEN out of kids here within their first year. Two weeks ago I was standing in line in the Den (the student center) about to pay for some Gatorade and I heard a freshman behind me use the word “■■■.” Well, being completely unaccustomed to hearing such a derogatory term used on campus, I absolutely flipped out at him and made a huge scene. I guess the only type of intolerance here is intolerance of intolerance, if that makes sense. Andover’s just a great place to be who you are.</p>
<p>As for change, well, sometimes I feel like the physical and emotional health of students isn’t always taken into account in an effective way by some teachers and the administration. Often major assignments such as tests and large papers are clustered around the same days in the week which makes for a concentrated period of sleepless nights and general stress - no matter how good your time management is. However, the rule is that if you have more than two major assignments on/due on one day you may ask one of your teachers to reschedule that assignment for you, personally. If you’re good at looking at syllabi and noting where there are large concentrations of assignments, that’s always a good option.</p>