<p>Ok well Im initial intention for a major was interior design but just now I went to ask my dad a question about my application to Watkins school of Design and he told me I had to change my major because realistically Interior Designers do not make enough, especially where Im from (The Bahamas). So now Im faced with the choice of whether I should listen to him or not.</p>
<p>If I do listen to him Im looking into going into Anesthesiology or Respiratory Therapy. I think I will be good at those but to tell the honest truth I dont know much about Anesthesiology.</p>
<p>My passion is art however which is why I was looking forward to Interior Design.. I really dont know what to do. Any advice?</p>
<p>Go to art school. Nothing worse than going to school for something you don’t like.</p>
<p>I don’t know about Respiratory Therapy, but for Anesthesiology you need to go to med school. Its also one of the most competitive residencies to obtain so you gotta be tip top.</p>
<p>If that is what you want to do, make sure you go to a very good school (I know nothing about Watkins) that have great career services. You don’t want to go to school for 4 years and not be able to find a job.</p>
<p>Or maybe architecture, landscape architecture, or user interface design is a better fit. No shortage of career opportunities in all three. They all have the “design” aspect to them.</p>
<p>respiratory therapy = pulmonary medicine = requires med school… 60+ hr work-weeks at minimum…similar to anesthesiology. people who push their kids into medicine b/c other jobs “don’t pay enough” are naive and ignorant… or they wouldn’t say such things. to be honest, medicine is not really a very well-paying field when you consider the costs (avg salary across specialties = ~$150-200k…w/ $300+k in debt to pay off and a loss of pay equal to 6-10 years post-college) plus that $200k is made over a 60-80 hr work wk ($200k/(50 wks/yr*60 hrs/wk) = $67/hr. Sorry, but the math doesn’t add up. You don’t go into medicine b/c you want to become rich. You do it b/c you are passionate about it.</p>
<p>Maybe you should try architecture? It’s prestige, at least. It earns just average though. We do a lot and doesn’t earn much in term of cash, but we are crazy people who gets to have a lot of fun!
I wanted to be an interior designer as well, then everyone recommended me to do architecture cause they know I have the grades. Architecture is hard, but once you get the degree you have a good amount of career choices (designers, in particular :D) Art is very value in this major, although there’s a shift to computer design programs.</p>