Animals, which or who?

<p>Animals, those who are most .....
Animals, those which are most .....</p>

<p>In addition: BB p 783 q 24</p>

<p>Far away from having been a diehard conservative, Hoover was, some scholars now contend, the leading progressive of his day</p>

<p>why away from is wrong?</p>

<p>^It should just be “far from”. “Far from” is an idiom - “far away from” is not.</p>

<p>In regard to your first question: could you give me some idea of the context? If you post the whole sentence, I should be able to help.</p>

<p>Observation of diverse animal spcies show that the most successful in the struggle for survival are those which are most adaptable to changes in theri world</p>

<p>The error is show that , observation shows that…</p>

<p>and the which is correct because we are talking about spcies </p>

<p>but what if</p>

<p>Observation dogs shows that the most successful in the struggle for survival are those **which **are most adaptable to changes in theri world</p>

<p>will it be which or who</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure “who” is only used with regard to people.</p>