Another Arts supplement question

<p>Hello all,
I know there are many posts on the arts supplement question, but none of them (or at least none that I've seen) have answered my specific questions. Thinking that emailing Harvard would help, I asked about the arts supplement and I was sent a generic email helping me with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. </p>

<p>Please, please, please, Harvard students/applicants/anybody who can help please help answer my question? It would be very much appreciated. </p>

<p>This is what I emailed the Harvard admission offices: </p>

<p>"I will be submitting a supplementary form along with my application for Harvard. From what I read on sites concerning college admissions (i.e., For artwork submissions, it is recommended that the applicant provide the artworks on a CD instead of on slides. If so, then do I still have to label each artwork with my name, high school, and such? Would the artworks need titles? And as for the cover letter-- would it consist of an artist's explanation behind the development of the works, or would the letter simply be an overall description of the collection of works?"</p>