another chance thread

<p>GPA: 3.7 UW</p>

<p>School: Tiny (<50 people) private school in colorado</p>

<p>AP: School doesn't offer APs. I figure it wont hurt too much if I didn't have the choice to do them. Thoughts?</p>

M: 690
W: 690
CR: 660
Essay: 10</p>

<p>ACT: 30 composite
English: 32
Math: 29
Reading: 31
Science: 26
Essay: 8</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
HUGE (my strongest section) Hand bells, Blacksmithing, 4 years of Theater (with lead roles), 4 years of Choir, Vocal lessons, & more</p>

<p>Community service: 200+ hours, including Apalacian Service Project (repaired houses for poor people)</p>

<p>Other: did a summer course at University of Maryland last summer</p>

<p>Essays: Very Strong Personal essay
Recs: Epic.... with such a small school, my teachers spent a lot of time on each individual recommendation.</p>

<p>Looks good for you so far. Yeah they don’t weigh down on you for not being able to take AP’s. They expect that you take the hardest possible courseload, which I’m hoping would have included some honors classes for your sake, as college courses are difficult by nature.</p>

<p>oh yeah, didn’t see that you took a summer course at Maryland. That should go well in your favor. But yeah, I’d say that your stats are slightly above average, and your EC’s are above average if you made it seem like they were meaningful. Good personal essays and recs are always a plus :)</p>